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In below Please find the list of my talks, seldom the pdf of the latest talks are available .
117) Structures in the Universe: From Cosmic Web to Dyson Spheres -18th National Conference on Astronomy and Astrophysics of Iran - Invited Speaker - 5 February 2025.
116) Large Scale Structure of the Universe:
Beyond the Standard Model of Cosmology -26th Meeting on Research in Astronomy,
IASBS-Zanjan - Invited Speake - 8 May 2024.
115) Large Scale Structure of the Universe:
Beyond the Standard Model of Cosmology - ICTP 2022 prize lecture -21 June
114) Large Scale Structure of the Universe: Beyond the Standard Model of Cosmology -25th Meeting on Research in Astronomy, IASBS-Zanjan - Invited Speaker - 14 June 2023.
113) Large Scale Structure of the Universe:
Beyond the Standard Model of Cosmology - National Conference of Gravity and
Cosmology, Sharif University of Technology - Invited Speaker - 2 February 2023.
112) Investigating the cosmic web with one point and crossing statistics -24th Meeting on Research in Astronomy, IASBS-Zanjan - Invited Speaker - 15 June 2022.
111) Cosmology's Century: Large Scale Structure of dark Universe - Iranian Conference of High Energy Physics (IRCHEP1400) IPM - Invited Speaker - 9 Nov. 2021.
110) Cosmology's Century: Large Scale Structure of dark Universe - Physics Department - Sharif University of Technology - Colloquium - 16 May 2021.
109) Large scale structures from early to late time universe, first online international conference of early universe and modified gravity, Tabriz University, December 15, 2020 Invited speaker.
108) Cosmology: fore-frontier of Science, Academy of Science of Iran, November 18, 2020 Invited speaker,
107) Cosmological Observations and Dark Matter - 5th IPM Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology (IWPPP5) Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM) November 4, 2020 Invited speaker.
106) Non linear Structure formation from Milky way to H_0 , IPM, School of Astronomy, Virtual Weekly Seminar, 5 August 2020
105) Structure formation and challenges of ΛCDM from Galactic to Cosmological scales. HECAP – ICTP Seminar series, 7 July 2020
104) A status Report on H_0 tension - Cosmology seminar series (online seminar), Physics Department- SUT 8 March 2020.
103) The Universe of James Peebles From Sound of the Big Bang to the Galaxies - Physics Department - University of Tehran - Colloquium - 9 November 2019, Invited speaker.
102) From Sound of the Big Bang to the Galaxies from Microwave to Gravitational Wave - Physics Department - Sharif University of Technology - Contemporary physics class by Prof. Moghimi - 28 September 2019.
101) Non Linear Structure Formation as a probe of beyond standard model of cosmology - HECAP, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) seminar series - 16 August 2019.
100) Measuring the baryon fraction in cluster of galaxies with kinematic Sunyaev-Zeldovich and a Standard Candle - The Physics Society of Iran Annual Meeting- University of Tehran - 26 Dec 2019.
99) The Universe of James Peebles From Sound of the Big Bang to the Galaxies - Physics Department - University of Tehran - Colloquium - 9 November 2019. (Invited Speaker)
98) The Universe of James Peebles From Sound of the Big Bang to the Galaxies - Physics Department - Sharif University of Technology - Contemporary physics class by Prof. Moshfegh - 5 November 2019.
97) Non Linear Structure Formation as a probe of beyond standard model of cosmology- HECAP, International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) seminar series - 16 August 2019.
96) Large Scale Structure probes of Cosmology: 21-cm signal, cosmic filaments and supermassive black holes- 22nd Meeting on Research in Astronomy at Institute for Advanced Studies (IASBS) Zanjan - 2 May 2019. (Invited Speaker)
95) Cosmology and Astronomy in 2020 - Physics Department - Sharif University of Technology - Contemporary physics class by Prof. Moshfegh - 22 April 2019.
94) From Light to the darkness- Iranian National Conference in Cosmology and Gravity - Institute for Reseach in Fundamental Sciences - 24 January 2019. (Invited Speaker).
93) The Excursion set approach: Stratonovich approximation and Cholesky decomposition - The Physics Society of Iran Annual Meeting- University of Tehran - 27 Dec 2018.
92) Equivalence principle - The Physics open day in Sharif University of Technology - 18 Dec 2018.
91) Dark Matter in Cosmology - One day meeting on Dark Matter Physics - Sharif University of Technology- 18 Dec 2018. (Invited Speaker)
90) The Future of Cosmology with studying the large scale structures of Universe and Gravitational waves - Physical Society of Iran - public talk lecture series - 24 September 2018.
89) Physics - Introduction to Sharif University Departments - SUT - 6-7-8 August 2018.
88) Large Scale Structures: Clustering and bias of galaxies - Cosmology From Theory to Observation One day Symposium - School of Astronomy , IPM- 28 Feb 2018 (Invited Speaker)
87) Large Scale Structure from Early to late time Universe - Annual Research one day seminar- School of Astronomy - IPM - 29 November 2017.
86) Triumphs and tribulations of ΛCDM - Astronomy Weekly seminars, School of Astronomy, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 22 November 2017.
85) The story of H_0: Cosmology with standard candles, rulers and sirens - Colloquium in Physics Department of Sharif University - 5 November 2017.
84) Cosmology with non linear Structure formation - IPM Spring Confernce 2017 - Institute for Research in fundamental Sciences - 24 May 2017. - Invited speaker.
83) Astronomy, Astrophysics and Cosmology - One day workshop Physics for graduate studies - University of Tehran - 3 May 2017, Invited speaker.
82) Large Scale structure and INO - One day workshop on Scientific case of Iranian National Observatory - 22 February 2017.
81) Why the Universe needs Dark Matter? - IPM Workshop on Particle Physics Phenomenology (IWPPP) - 15 Feb 2017, Invited speaker.
80) Cosmology, An etude for new physics in 21 century - Contemporary Physics course - Physics Department - SUT - 11 February 2017.
79) Excursion Set Theory and Large Scale Structure - Astronomy Symposium Physics Department of Zahedan University - 26 January 2017, Invited speaker.
78) Large Scale Structures and Structure Formation I and II - Two lectures in Winter School of Astronomy in Physics Department of Zahedan University - 24 - 25 January 2017. Invited Lecturer.
77) Early Universe, Large Scale Structures and Late time Universe - A public talk for Astronomy club of Iranian Astronomical Society- Physics Department University of Tehran - 14 December 2016.
76) Walking in Cosmos: Topics on Excursion Set theory - Astronomy Weekly seminars, School of Astronomy, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences - IPM - 23 November 2016.
75) Large Scale Structure and Physics of Early Universe - Research one day seminar- School of Astronomy - IPM - 16 November 2016
74) Dark Universe and Cosmological Large Scale Structure, Colloquium in Physics Department of Shahid Beheshti University- 15 November 2016
73) Bringing Light to Dark Universe by Cosmological Large Scale Structure, Colloquium in Physics Department of Sharif University- 2 October 2016
72) Secondary Anisotropies of CMB as a Probe of Cosmological Models, 19th annual meeting on research in Astronomy, Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences (IASBS), Zanjan, 13 May 2016 - Invited speaker.
72) Gravitational Wave, Astronomy Group of SUT seminar series for general audiance - 16 Feb 2016 - Physics Department - SUT.
71) The Illusion of Separateness: The story of CMB photons after last scattering, Astronomy Weekly seminars, School of Astronomy, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences- 23 December 2015.
70) CMB Lensing as a probe of Early Universe, The first
Astronomical workshop of Iran and Armenia, Byurakan Observatory
Armenia - 15 October 2015.
69) The Large Scale Structure as a probe to go beyond The Standard Model of Cosmology, The 2nd Topical Workshop on Theoretical Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences(IPM)- 7 October 2015 - Invited speaker.
68) A review on Theoretical Developments/Observational Cosmology, ICTP-ECAR - First Joint METU-IPM Conference on LHC Physics, Izmir Institute of Technology, Izmir - Turkey. 2 October 2015-Invited speaker.
67) Cosmology From Theory to Observation - 23th High School Students Physics Gathering - University of Tehran - 18 August 2015
66) The knowns and unknowns of Modern Cosmology - Physics Club - The Center of Science and Astronomy of Tehran - 19 February 2015
65) A report on Planck 2015 - Sharif University - Department of Physics - Cosmology group seminar series - 15 February 2015.
64) Beyond the standard model of Cosmology, National conference of Astronomy and Astrophysics, Amir Kabir University, 4 February 2015 - Invited speaker.
63) In search of Cosmological dark matter micro-halos,
International conference of Galaxies, inside and out,
School of Astronomy, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences- 25-28
January 2015.
62) Dark Matter and the Fingerprint of Early Universe in Galactic scale - Research one day seminar- School of Astronomy - IPM - 26 November 2014
61) Large Scale Structure in the Universe, 2 lectures given in School of Cosmology and Gravity organized by Physical Society of Iran (PSI), Shahid Beheshti University - 19 and 20 November 2014 - Invited Lecturer.
60) So Close, so far: Is there a relation between galactic scale challenges of LCDM and Early Universe Physics? Astronomy Weekly seminars, School of Astronomy, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences- 29 October 2014
59) The Triumphs and Challenges of Modern Cosmology - Colloquium in Physics Department of Tehran University -18 October 2014
58) Cosmological Large Scale Structures as a probe of Early Universe - The first Topical Workshop in Theoretical Physics (TWTP) - Institute of Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 9 October 2014 - Invited Speaker
57) Unraveling the nature of gravity with our clumpy Universe - Spring conference - Institute of Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 22 May 2014 - Invited speaker
56) Introduction to the Modern Cosmology: The sound of Big Bang- A talk given in a "One day Cosmology School" in physics department of Isfahan University of Technology - 7 May 2014
55) Cosmology after BICEPII - One day topical meeting: Early Universe: From Theory to Observations- Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences - 23 April 2014
54) Cosmology after BICEPII - Particles and Accelerators School Seminar Series, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences- 16 April 2014
53) The story of Dark Matter in Small Scales - A lecture given in Early Universe and Theoretical Cosmology Group (EUTC) School of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 16 April 2014
52) Gravitational Waves in CMB - A lecture given in Early Universe and Theoretical Cosmology Group (EUTC) School of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 9 April 2014
51) Dark Matter in Cosmology - An introductional talk for "School of Physics" (A program for B.Sc. students all over country), Institute for Advanced Studies in Basic Sciences, IASBS, Zanjan - 25 Feb 2014 - Invited Speaker
A one day meeting on recent developments of Dark matter detection, Institute For Research in Fundamental Science - 12 Feb 2014 - Invited Speaker
49)The Triumphs and Challenges of Modern Cosmology,
Colloquium in Physics Department of Sharif University- 22 December 2013
48)Large Scale Structure as a probe of Early Universe
Particles and Accelerators School Seminar Series, Institute For Research in
Fundamental Sciences- 20 November 2013
47) Report: IAP, Euclid and DEUS - Cosmology weekly seminars, Sharif University of Technology, 20 October 2013
46) Structure Formation: In search of a cosmology beyond standard model
Astronomy Weekly seminars, School of Astronomy, Institute For Research in Fundamental Sciences- 9 October 2013
45) Large Scale Anisotropic Bias
Conference-workshop of Anisotropy in University of Amesterdam - 27 September 2013
44)Structure Formation: A la Recherche de parameter perdu
Cosmology seminar in Institute de Astrophysique de Paris - 13 September 2013
43)Structure Formation: A survey on Cosmological unknowns
17th Meeting on Research in Astronomy- Institute of Advanced Studies in Basic
Science (IASBS):
- 16.05.2013 as Invited Speaker for Planetary talk
42)New Astrophysical Probes of Dark Matter Substructures- Pulsar Timing and Weak
Transient Lensing:
IPM international school and workshop on Particle Physics (IPP13):
Flavor physics and dark matter-4.05.2013 as Invited Speaker
Formation in the Universe: En route to Cosmology beyond 6
parameters (II): School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental
Sciences (IPM) - 22.04.2013
40)Structure Formation in the Universe: En route to Cosmology beyond 6
parameters (I): School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental
Sciences (IPM) - 15.04.2013
39) Planck 2013:
A lecture given in Early Universe and Theoretical Cosmology
Group (EUTC) School of Astronomy, Institute for Research in
Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 10.04.2013
38)Large Scale Structure and Primordial Non Gaussianity: A lecture
given in Early Universe and Theoretical Cosmology Group (EUTC) School
of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) -
37)WMAP 9 year data release: A lecture given in Early Universe and
Theoretical Cosmology Group (EUTC) School of Astronomy, Institute for
Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) - 02.01.2013
36) Dark Energy: A
challenge for theoretical and Observational cosmologists:
A talk given in Physics Club, University of Tehran - 26.11.2012
35)Dark Universe: A public talk in Science day- IPM - 16.11.2012
34)A survey on Dark Energy status: Theory and Observation: A lecture
given in Early Universe and Theoretical Cosmology Group (EUTC) School
of Astronomy, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM) -
33)Structure Formation and Fundamental questions in Cosmology- SUT
Cosmology seminar- 7.10.2012
32)Dark matter kinematics: Astronomy School weekly seminars- IPM :
31)Dark matter kinematics: SUT- cosmology seminar- 29.04.2012
30)What can stellar kinematics tell us about dark matter in dwarf galaxies
Perimeter Institute of theoretical Physics - 10.04.2012
29)Astrophysical probes of Dark Matter structures. Physics and Astronomy
Department-University of Waterloo- 06.11.2011
28)Dwarf Galaxies: Toward Astrophysical tests of Modified Gravity . Astronomy
School weekly seminars- IPM - 06.07.2011.
27)A report on Training program of observational Cosmology and Support
Astronomer-Astronomy School weekly Journal Club-IPM-9.05.2011.
26)Accelerating Universe: Dark Energy vs Modified Gravity , Isaac Newton
Group and Nordic Telescope Group Astronomy seminar series, La
Palma -Spain - 21.01.2011
25)Dark Matter structures in the Universe, Cosmology-Particle Physics
and Field theory colloquium-Sharif University of technology-2.11.2010.
24)Dark Matter Structures in the Universe From Astrophysical probes to
Cosmological implications, Cosmology weekly seminars- Sharif University
of Technology. 24.10.2010.
23)Pulsars and Dark Matter Substructures . Astronomy School weekly
seminars- IPM-11.08.2010.
22)Pulsars and Dark Matter Substructures . Cosmology weekly seminars-
Sharif University of Technology. 4.07.10.
21)Distinguishing Modified gravity theories from Smooth Dark Energy
models by gravitational slip parameter. Cosmology weekly seminars-
Sharif University of Technology. 19.01.10.
20)Inverse Problem: Reconstruction of Modified gravity action in Palatini
Formalism by SNIa data- National Gravity and Cosmology annual meeting
2009 - Shahid Beheshti University . 7.01.10.
19)Imperfect Fluid . Cosmology weekly seminars-Sharif University of
Technology. 1.12.2009.
18) Structure formation as a cosmological probe to distinguish between
universe models. Cosmology weekly seminars-Sharif University
of Technology. 10.11.2009.
17)Reconstruction of the dynamics of universe , Astronomy School weekly
seminars- IPM-4.11.2009.
16)Reconstruction of the dynamics of universe , Cosmology-Particle Physics
and Field theory colloquium-Sharif University of technology-28.10.2009.
15)Lyman-alpha forest,-Cosmology weekly seminars-Sharif University of
Technology. 7.10.2009.
14) Accelerating universe Particle field and cosmology groups colloquium
13) ΛCDM as a privileged state of modified gravity theories Cosmology
weekly seminars SUT 3.03.2009.
12)Accelerating universe Theory and phenomenology-Cosmology weekly
seminars SUT Chameleon effect 28.10.2008. 11)Neutrinos and Cosmology
Astrophysics weekly seminars-13.04.2008
10) Answered and unanswered questions in f(R) gravity models-Cosmology
weekly seminars-Sharif university of technology. 24.02.2008.
9)Introduction to Cosmology-Talk given in Astronomy workshop held in
Sharif university of technology -12.12.2007.
8)Relativistic gravitation theory for MOND-Cosmology weekly seminars-
IPM (Institute of physics and mathematics)-21.11.2007.
7)Dark energy-Dark Matter and alternative theories - Annual conference
of Center of Excellence of physics (CEP) of SUT - Sharif university of
technology - 25.10.2007.
6) LHC physics and Cosmology-Cosmology weekly seminars-Sharif University
of technology- 3.09.2007.
5) Lecture Modified gravity and observational tests- International Cosmology
workshop -IPM -Tehran - 2 to 9 June 2007.
4) Lecture on dark energy and modified gravity national assembly of cosmology
of Iran,Sharif university 2007.
3) Lecture on Dark energy in weekly meetings of fundamental physics group
in sharif university.
2) Lecture on palatini formalism in weekly meetings of cosmology group in
sharif university, spring 2006.
1) Lecture on modified gravity: in weekly meetings of cosmology group in
sharif university, fall 2005.