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کتاب در جست و جوی فهم کیهان بهرام مشحون و شانت باغرام    

Shant Baghram

Associate Professor of Physics Department

Sharif University of Technology

My field of research is Cosmology, and now,

I am an Associate Professor of the Physics Department at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran  &

Regular Associate of International Center of Theoretical Physics (ICTP), Trieste, Italy. (January 2024 till December 2029).

* I was an Assistant Professor of Physics Department at Sharif University of Technology - Tehran -Iran. Tehran- Iran  (Sep. 2014 - Sep . 2019)

* Before this, I was a Post-Doctoral fellow of School of Astronomy in Institute for Research in fundamental Sciences (IPM) Tehran- Iran ( Mainly Collaborating with theoretical group under mentorship of Hassan Firouzjahi) (Sep. 2012 - Sep . 2014)

* Before this, I was a Pos-Doctoral fellow  in the Astrophysics and Gravitation group at the Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Waterloo  joined with the Cosmology and Gravitation group at the Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physic (PI). (Sep. 2011- Sep. 2012) under supervison of Dr. Niayesh Afshordi

* I finished my Ph.D. in Physics Department  of Sharif University of technology in September 2011 in Cosmology.

My Thesis supervisor is Professor Sohrab Rahvar. My Ph.D. Thesis title is :

"The Observational Tests of dark Energy and Modified Gravity Theories ", you can find my thesis here.


· You can find out more about me and what I do through the navigation bar on top of this page.

If you travel to Tehran and you do research in Cosmology, Astrophysics or Gravity you are invited to give  a talk in Sharif Cosmology  group. Accordingly   please contact me via: to have the title and abstarct of your talk!

Contact Information:

Shant Baghram

Physics Department

Sharif University of Technology

Azadi Ave. ,  P. O. Box: 11155-9161

Tehran, Iran

Tel:  +98 (21) - 6616 4567

Fax: +98 (21) - 6602 2711

Email address:    /  /

Office: Room 517, Dept. of Physics (SUT)


Last Update:  25 February 2025