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  Published Papers

Roodbari, H., Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J., Valverde, M. & Ogbonnaya, C., (2025). "What works for whom in which circumstances in successful HRM implementation? A realist synthesis", Journal of Business Research, 188.

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Miraglia, M., (2023). "What is the narrative for practice? A review of recommendations on feedback and a guide to writing impactful practical implications", Applied Psychology: An International Review, 72(4), 1624-1652.

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., (2023). "How can CEOs influence HRM implementation? Unfolding top managements role in HRM", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 34(7), 1300-1329.

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., (2018). "Easier said than done: A review of antecedents influencing effective HR implementation", The International Journal of Human Resource Management, 29(22), 3001-3025.



Book Chapters

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., (2022)."Almost at the top, but not quite: Senior management's sources of power and their influence on HRM". In K. Townsend, A. Bos-Nehles, & K. Jiang (Eds.), Research Handbook on Line Managers, pp.270-285. United Kingdom: Edward Elgar Publishing. ISBN: 978 1 83910 273 8. https://doi.org/10.4337/9781839102745.00023



Conferences & Workshops

Roodbari, H., Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J., Valverde, M., "HRM implementation effectiveness: A realist synthesis", EAWOP SGM, Sept. 21st & 22nd 2023, Ljubljana, Slovenia

Roodbari, H., Mirfakhar, A.S., "Different routes to successful HRM implementation: A realist synthesis", British Academy of Management, Sept. 5th & 6th 2023, Brighton, United Kingdom

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S., & Legood, A., "Is LMX Differentiation Ethical? An Investigation into its Political Consequences in Performance Appraisals", EURAM, June 14th-16th 2023, Dublin, Ireland

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S., Antino, M. & Zaniboni, S., "Necessary work design characteristics for younger workers' attitudes and behaviors", 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Aug 5th-9th 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA - A Hybrid Experience - Published in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 13132.

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Legood, A., "LMX differentiation and its political effects in the context of performance appraisal", 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Aug 5th-9th 2022, Seattle, Washington, USA - A Hybrid Experience - Published in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 12630.

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S., Antino, M. & Zaniboni, S., "Which work design characteristics are necessary for younger workers attitudes and behaviors? An NCA approach", EURAM, June 15th-17th 2022, Winterthur, Switzerland

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Legood, A., "LMX differentiation in the context of performance appraisal", 18th Workshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, May 17th-18th 2022, Paris, France

Dello Russo, S., Miraglia, M. & Mirfakhar, A.S., "Events triggering reflection: Exploring the role of informal feedback", EAWOP Congress, Jan. 11th-14th 2022, Glasgow, Scotland - Cancelled due to COVID-19 (Omicron)

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S., Antino, M. & Zaniboni, S., "Which work design characteristics are necessary for younger workers attitudes and behaviors? An NCA approach", Age in the Workplace Meeting 2021, Oct. 27th-29th 2021, Groningen, The Netherlands

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Miraglia, M., "Evidence based recommendations on feedback practice: A systematic literature review", 81st Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, July 29th- Aug. 4th 2021, A Virtual Experience - Published in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 13225.

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Miraglia, M., "What practical implications on feedback do researchers offer? A systematic review", EURAM, June 16th-18th 2021, Online Conference in collaboration with Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada - Nominated for Best Paper in EURAM OB SIG HRM Track

Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Miraglia, M., "A qualitative review of feedback research: Implications for practice", XII International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Oct. 22nd & 23rd 2020, Cadiz, Spain - Postponed to Oct. 2022 due to COVID-19

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "The role of power in the implementation of HR practices", 6th International Conference on Management and Organization, June 11th-12th 2020, Bled, Slovenia - Postponed to June 2021 due to COVID-19

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "CEOs: The missing actors in HRM implementation process", EURAM, June 26th-28th 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Mirfakhar, A.S. & Jeroen Stouten, "Institutionalization of change: How implemented change can be sustained in organizations", 16thWorkshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, May 21st & 22nd 2019, Paris, France

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "The role of CEO's HRM view and HR department's power dimensions in effective implementation of HR practices", XI International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Oct. 25th & 26th 2018, Seville, Spain

Mirfakhar, A.S., "Effective implementation of HR practices: A multi-actor perspective", EURAM Doctoral Colloquium, June 18th & 19th 2018, Reykjavik, Iceland

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "Power and implementation of HR practices", 15th International Human Resource Management Conference, June 13th-15th 2018, Madrid, Spain

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "The role of power dimensions in implementation of HR practices", 15thWorkshop on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Management, May 29th & 30th 2018, Paris, France

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "Effective implementation of HR practices: A state-of-the-science review and future research agenda", X International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Oct. 27th & 28th 2016, Cadiz, Spain

Kazemi, M., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Molazemi, P., "MAPNA Group experience in coaching the new employees", 10th Human Resource Development Conference, Nov.18th &19th 2014, Tehran, Iran

Mirfakhar, A.S., Samei, H. & Feyzbakhsh, S.A., "A framework on how to organize a new business in a corporation", 1st International and 3rd National Student Conference on Entrepreneurship, Feb. 22nd & 23rd 2014, Tehran, Iran

Sheikh, E., Shoeibzadeh, M., Homayounizadeh, M. & Mirfakhar, A.S., "Design and implementation of knowledge management in human resource department workshop", 10th International Management Conference, Dec. 29th & 30th 2012, Tehran, Iran

Sheikh, E., Shoeibzadeh, M., Homayounizadeh, M. & Mirfakhar, A.S., "Execution of knowledge management in human resource department of IDRO", 14th Learning Environment Conference of Human Resource Managers, Sept. 15th & 16th 2012, Isfahan, Iran

Kazemi, M., Mirfakhar, A.S. & Setak, M., "Holdings and their concern on acquisition: If human resources are not taken into consideration!!!", 1st Holding Conference: Functions and Challenges, Dec. 26th 2011, Tehran, Iran



Keynote Speeches

Mirfakhar, A.S., "Effective implementation of HR practices: What works for whom in what circumstances", 8th National Conference on Human Resource Management, Jan. 21st-22nd 2025, Tehran, Iran

Mirfakhar, A.S., "Effective performance management aligned with organizational strategies", First International Conference on Strategic Human Resource Management, Aug. 19th 2020, Tehran, Iran

Mirfakhar, A.S., "Effective implementation of HR practices", 15th Human Resource Development Conference, Dec. 10th 2019, Tehran, Iran



Research Seminars

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "CEOs: The missing actors in HRM implementation", Business Research Unit at ISCTE-IUL, May 22nd 2020, Lisbon, Portugal

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "Effective implementation of HR practices", University of Tehran, May 12th 2019, Tehran, Iran

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "My way or the highway: The role of CEOs in HRM implementation", Catolica-Lisboa School of Business and Economics, March 27th 2019, Lisbon, Portugal

Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. & Valverde, M., "My way or the highway: The role of CEOs in HRM implementation", NEOMA Business School, Dec. 6th 2018, Paris, France