Roodbari, H., Mirfakhar, A.S.,
Trullen, J., Valverde, M., "HRM implementation
effectiveness: A realist synthesis", EAWOP SGM, Sept.
21st & 22nd 2023, Ljubljana,
Roodbari, H., Mirfakhar, A.S.,
"Different routes to successful HRM implementation: A
realist synthesis", British Academy of Management, Sept. 5th
& 6th 2023, Brighton, United Kingdom
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S., & Legood, A., "Is LMX Differentiation Ethical? An
Investigation into its Political Consequences in Performance
Appraisals", EURAM, June 14th-16th
2023, Dublin, Ireland
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S., Antino, M. & Zaniboni, S., "Necessary work design
characteristics for younger workers' attitudes and
behaviors", 82nd Annual Meeting of the Academy of
Management, Aug 5th-9th 2022, Seattle,
Washington, USA - A Hybrid Experience - Published in Academy
of Management Proceedings, 2022(1), 13132.
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S. & Legood, A., "LMX differentiation and its political
effects in the context of performance appraisal", 82nd
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, Aug 5th-9th
2022, Seattle, Washington, USA - A Hybrid Experience -
Published in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2022(1),
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S., Antino, M. & Zaniboni, S., "Which work design
characteristics are necessary for younger workers attitudes
and behaviors? An NCA approach", EURAM, June 15th-17th
2022, Winterthur, Switzerland
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S. & Legood, A., "LMX differentiation in the context of
performance appraisal", 18th Workshop on Research
Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human Resource
Management, May 17th-18th 2022, Paris,
Dello Russo, S., Miraglia, M.
& Mirfakhar, A.S., "Events triggering reflection: Exploring
the role of informal feedback", EAWOP Congress, Jan. 11th-14th
2022, Glasgow, Scotland - Cancelled due to COVID-19
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S., Antino, M. & Zaniboni, S., "Which work design
characteristics are necessary for younger workers attitudes
and behaviors? An NCA approach", Age in the Workplace
Meeting 2021, Oct. 27th-29th 2021,
Groningen, The Netherlands
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S. & Miraglia, M., "Evidence based recommendations on
feedback practice: A systematic literature review", 81st
Annual Meeting of the Academy of Management, July 29th-
Aug. 4th 2021, A Virtual Experience - Published
in Academy of Management Proceedings, 2021(1), 13225.
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S. & Miraglia, M., "What practical implications on
feedback do researchers offer? A systematic review", EURAM,
June 16th-18th 2021, Online Conference
in collaboration with Universite du Quebec a Montreal,
Canada - Nominated for Best Paper in EURAM OB SIG HRM Track
Dello Russo, S., Mirfakhar,
A.S. & Miraglia, M., "A qualitative review of feedback
research: Implications for practice", XII International
Workshop on Human Resource Management, Oct. 22nd
& 23rd 2020, Cadiz, Spain - Postponed to Oct.
2022 due to COVID-19
Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. &
Valverde, M., "The role of power in
the implementation of HR practices", 6th
International Conference on Management and Organization,
June 11th-12th 2020, Bled, Slovenia -
Postponed to June 2021 due to COVID-19
Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. &
Valverde, M., "CEOs: The missing actors in HRM
implementation process", EURAM, June 26th-28th
2019, Lisbon, Portugal
Mirfakhar, A.S. & Jeroen
Stouten, "Institutionalization of change: How implemented
change can be sustained in organizations", 16thWorkshop
on Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human
Resource Management, May 21st & 22nd
2019, Paris, France
Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. &
Valverde, M., "The role of CEO's HRM view and HR
department's power dimensions in effective implementation of
HR practices", XI International Workshop on Human Resource
Management, Oct. 25th & 26th 2018,
Seville, Spain
Mirfakhar, A.S., "Effective
implementation of HR practices: A multi-actor perspective",
EURAM Doctoral Colloquium, June 18th & 19th
2018, Reykjavik, Iceland
Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. &
Valverde, M., "Power and implementation of HR practices", 15th
International Human Resource Management Conference, June 13th-15th
2018, Madrid, Spain
Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. &
Valverde, M., "The role of power dimensions in
implementation of HR practices", 15thWorkshop on
Research Advances in Organizational Behavior and Human
Resource Management, May 29th & 30th
2018, Paris, France
Mirfakhar, A.S., Trullen, J. &
Valverde, M., "Effective implementation of HR practices: A
state-of-the-science review and future research agenda", X
International Workshop on Human Resource Management, Oct. 27th
& 28th 2016, Cadiz, Spain
Kazemi, M., Mirfakhar, A.S. &
Molazemi, P., "MAPNA Group experience in coaching the new
employees", 10th Human
Resource Development Conference, Nov.18th &19th
2014, Tehran, Iran
Mirfakhar, A.S., Samei, H. &
Feyzbakhsh, S.A., "A framework on how to organize a new
business in a corporation", 1st
International and 3rd
National Student Conference on Entrepreneurship, Feb.
22nd & 23rd 2014, Tehran, Iran
Sheikh, E., Shoeibzadeh, M.,
Homayounizadeh, M. & Mirfakhar, A.S., "Design and
implementation of knowledge management in human resource
department workshop", 10th International
Management Conference, Dec. 29th & 30th
2012, Tehran, Iran
Sheikh, E., Shoeibzadeh, M.,
Homayounizadeh, M. & Mirfakhar, A.S., "Execution of
knowledge management in human resource department of IDRO",
14th Learning Environment
Conference of Human Resource Managers, Sept. 15th
& 16th 2012, Isfahan, Iran
Kazemi, M., Mirfakhar, A.S. &
Setak, M., "Holdings and their concern on acquisition: If
human resources are not taken into consideration!!!", 1st
Holding Conference: Functions and Challenges, Dec. 26th
2011, Tehran, Iran