General Course
Fractional Order Systems &
3 Units, Graduate course
Spring 2015
Instructor |
Mohammad Saleh Tavazoei |
Lectures |
Sunday &
Tuesday 13:30-15, EE-7 |
Textbooks |
I. Podlubny, Fractional Differential
Equations, Academic Press, 1999. |
Diethelm, The Analysis of Fractional Differential Equations,
Springer, 2010. |
Ortigueira, Fractional Calculus for Scientists and Engineers,
Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, Vol 84, Springer, 2011. |
C.A. Monje,
Y.Q. Chen, B.M. Vinagre, D. Xue, and V. Feliu,
Fractional-order Systems and Controls–Fundamentals and
Applications, Advanced Industrial Control Series, Springer-Verlag,
2010. |
D. Valerio
and J.S. da Costa, An Introduction to Fractional Control,
IET, 2013. |
Recommended Books |
I. Petras,
Fractional-Order Nonlinear Systems Modeling, Analysis and
Simulation, Springer-Verlag, 2011. |
Caponetto, G. Dongola, L. Fortuna, and I. Petras, Fractional
Order Systems: Modeling and Control Applications, World
Scientific, 2010. |
Z. Jiao,
Y.Q. Chen, and I. Podlubny, Distributed-Order Dynamic
Systems: Stability, Simulation, Applications and Perspectives,
Springer, 2012. |