Sharif University of Technology
Department of Physics
Courses: 2022-2023
Fall 2022 (1401 - 1): Many-Particle Physics -
Course Regulations .
Fall 2022 (1401 - 1): Course on Symmetry, Topology and Entanglement -
Course Regulations .
Spring 2023 (1401 - 2): Advanced Statistical Mechanics
Courses: 2021-2022
Fall 2021 (1400 - 1): Many-Particle Physics (Classical and Quantum fields, second quantization, zero-temperature Green's function,
Fermi systems, Response functions and collective modes, finite-T Green's fuctions, Path integral formulation of many-body systems, Anderson impurity model, Kondo problem, Real-time
Green's function), Fermi Liquid Theory, Luttinger Liquid and 1d Bozonization.
Spring 2022 (1400 - 2): Electromagnetism 3 (Electrodynamics)
Courses: 2020-2021
Fall 2020 (1399 - 1): Advanced Statistical Mechanics .
Spring 2021 (1399 - 2): Many-Particle Physics (Classical and Quantum fields, second quantization, zero-temperature Green's function,
Fermi systems, Response functions and collective modes, finite-T Green's fuctions, Path integral formulation of many-body systems, Anderson impurity model, Kondo problem, Real-time
Green's function).
Spring 2021 (1399 - 2): Electromagnetism 3 (Electrodynamics)
Courses: 2019-2020
Fall 2019 (1398 - 1): Many-Particle Physics.
Fall 2019 (1398 - 2): Topological Phases of Matter.
Spring 2020 (1398 - 2): Electromagnetism 3 (Electrodynamics)
(In the face of pandemic, the classes are holding online. For details of lecture notes please visit Sharif Courseware CW.)
Courses: 2018-2019
Fall 2018 (1397 - 1): Many-Particle Physics.
Spring 2019 (1397 - 2): Introductory Condensed Matter.
Spring 2019 (1397 - 2): Superconductivity (conventional superconductors, BCS theory, Josephson junctions, Unconventional superconductors: beyond phonons, Gap symmetry, Spin fluctuations, Cuprates, Iron-based superconductors, topological superconductors).
Courses: 2017-2018
Fall 2017 (1396 - 1): Topological Phases of Matter.
Spring 2018 (1396 - 2): Introductory Condensed Matter.
Spring 2018 (1396 - 2): Superconductivity (conventional superconductors, BCS theory, Josephson junctions, Unconventional superconductors: beyond phonons, Gap symmetry, Spin fluctuations, Cuprates, Iron-based superconductors, topological superconductors).