Chemometrics in Chromatography (ChroMATHography)
Chemometric methods have critical importance for the discovery of the information/knowledge buried or concealed in high-dimensional datasets acquired from hyphenated and multi-dimensional chromatography and for interpretation of separation processes.
The terms "Mathematical Chromatography" and "ChroMATHography" have been suggested to describe the combination of chromatography and chemometrics.
●- Different applications of second- and third-order multivariate calibration methods such as MCR-ALS, PARAFAC and
PARAFAC2 are under way in our research group for fast HPLC-DAD analysis, GC-MS and HPLC-DAD chromatographic
fingerprinting and GC×GC data analysis.
●- Development of new algorithms for separation data and user-friendly software for non-expert users (e.g. MCRC Software, MVC app and RMet) compose another part of our researches.
- Development of different chemometric methods for food authenticity and adulteration detection including discrimination and class modeling
Summary of Our Researches
1- Fundamentals
- Multi-way and Multi-set analysis of high dimensional data
- Multivariate Optimization (Response Surface Methodology, RSM)
- Multivariate Clustering (Unsupervised Classification)
2- Applications
- Data Analysis of Hyphenated Chromatographic Measurements (GC-MS, HPLC-DAD)
- Data Analysis of Multi-dimensional Chromatographic Measurements (GC×GC-FID, GC×GC-TOFMS)
- Handling Common Chromatographic Issues (Baseline/Background Contribution, Noise, Non-Gaussian
Peaks, Retention Time Shifts, Co-elution (overlapped and embedded peaks))
- Chromatographic Fingerprinting of Natural Products (Medicinal Plants)
- Fast Chromatographic Measurements using HPLC
- Plant and human Metabolomics
- Food authenticity and adulteration detection