
Raman Ramsin

Last Updated:  23 June 2024


Home | Teaching | Research | Publications | Other

Courses Offered in the Current Semester

- Patterns in Software Engineering—Graduate

- Object Oriented Design

(The pages also contain notices for students of the previous semester)


All Courses Taught

- Software Development MethodologiesGraduate

- Patterns in Software Engineering—Graduate

- Object Oriented Design

- Agile Software Development

- Software Engineering

- Systems Analysis and Design

- Information Storage and Retrieval

- Foundations of Computer Science II

- Technical and Scientific Presentation

- English for Computer Science and Engineering


Active Theses

- Knowledge Management for Situational Method Engineering

- Improving Model-Driven Engineering by Using a Service-Oriented Approach for Modeling and Model Transformation

- Model-Driven Methodology for Developing Rich Internet Applications (RIAs)

- Improvement of Scalability in Model-Driven Engineering by Using Microservice Architecture


Available MS Thesis Topics

- Only students of the “Software Development Methodologies” course can apply to join the Methodology Engineering Lab to conduct their MS projects under my supervision. Students who are admitted to the lab will be provided with a list of thesis topics in February.

- You can also propose a different topic, provided that the topic is relevant to Software Engineering. Suitable resources will be introduced in class. 


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