A. Salehi
Distinguished Professor,
Electrical Engineering Department
Sharif University
of Technology
jasalehi sharif.edu
219 (118W), 1st
Floor, Electrical Eng. Building
Tel: +98
(21) 6616 4346
Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA, 1984. Thesis: “Spread Spectrum Multiple Access Systems
Performance Analysis”
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M.Sc. in Electrical Engineering,
University of Southern California, Los
Angeles, USA, 1980.
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B.Sc. in
University of California
at Irvine
, Irvine, USA, 1979.
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Head of Electrical and Computer Engineering group, Iran Academy of science, 2012 - Present.
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Member of Iran Academy of Science, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
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Chair of IEEE Iran Section, Sep. 2005 -
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Director of Optical Networks Research Laboratory (ONRL), Electrical
Engineering Department, SUT, 2003-Now.
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Director of National Center of Excellence in Communications Science at
the EE department of SUT, 2003-2006.
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Associate Professor, Sharif University
of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1997-2003.
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Full Professor, EE Dept., Sharif
University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2003-Now.
Head of
Mobile Communications Systems Group and Codirector of Advanced and
Wideband Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) Lab. at Iran Telecom
Research Center (ITRC), Tehran, Iran, 1999-2001.
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Laboratory of Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute
of Technology (MIT), Cambridge, Feb. to May 1990.
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Member of Technical Staff of the Applied Research Area, Bell
Communications Research (Bellcore), Morristown, NJ, 1984-1993.
Honors, Awards and Recognitions
Introduced as among the 250 preeminent and most influential
researchers worldwide, ISI HighlyCited, by ISI Web of Knowledge in computer
science category.
Selected as the pioneer scientist (Pishkesvat) in Optics and photonics by Optics and Photonics Society of Iran, 2015.
Allameh Tabatabai Award from Iran National Elites Foundation, 2012.
Chair IEEE Iran Section,
IEEE Spectrum, January
1988, pp. 70, cites our work on ultrashort light
pulse code division multiple access as one of a key development in field
of electrical engineering.
Optics News, December
1987, pp. 28-29, cites our work on ultrashort
light pulse code division multiple access as one of principal advances
in the field of optics.
Keynote Speaker (Invited),
15th Iranian Conference on Optics and Photonics, Isfahan, Iran,
January , 2009.
Keynote Speaker (Invited),
4th International Workshop on OPS & OCDMA (IWOO2009),
Tokyo, Japan, November, 2009.
Speaker (Invited), IEEE International Conference on
Petersburg, Russia
, June,
Keynote Speaker (Invited),
IEEE International Conference on Telecommunication, Penang,
Malaysia, May, 2007.
Keynote Speaker (Invited),
Iranian Conference on Electrical Engineering,2005(
Bell Communications
Research (Bellcore) Award of Excellence, 1988.
Outstanding Research Award
of EE department of SUT 2002.
Outstanding Research Award
of EE department of SUT 2003.
Outstanding Research Award
of EE department of SUT 2006.
Outstanding Research Award
of Sharif University of Technology 2003 (Ranked 1st).
Nationwide Outstanding
Research Award from Ministry of Science, Research and
Technology, Iran, 2003.
Nation’s Highly Cited
Research Award from Ministry of Science, Research and
Technology, Iran, 2004.
First Rank, Khwarizmi
International Prize in Fundamental Research, Iran, 2007.
Outstanding Inventor Award
from World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO),
Switzerland, 2007.
Member of Iran Academy of
Science, Tehran, Iran, 2009.
Fellow of Islamic World
Academy of Science, Amman, Jordan, 2009.
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Elected by the Iranian Academy of
Science as a member of Hall of Fame (Chehre Mandegar) in Electrical
Engineering, October 2010.
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Fellow of
Institute of
Electrical and Electronics Engineers
(IEEE) [
contributions to fundamental principles in optical code division
multiple access (OCDMA)
], 2011.
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Fellow of
for contributions to the invention and fundamental principles of
optical code-division multiple-access communication systems and
of optical orthogonal codes
], 2024.