Course Info
- Introduction
- Sample Geometric Problems [BCKO Ch1]
- Polygons, Primitive Operations [O Ch1.3, 7.4]
- Convex Hulls
- Convex Hull Algorithms in 2D [BCKO Ch1]
- Lower Bounds, Ben-Or's Theorem [Ben-Or's Paper]
- Output-Sensitive Algorithms for Convex Hull [Chan's PhD Thesis]
- Geometric Duality
- Duality and Its Applications, Lower/Upper Envelopes [BCKO Ch8.2], [O Ch6.5]
- 3D Convex Hulls
- Convex Hulls in 3D, Properties and Representation [O Ch4.1, 4.4], [BCKO Ch2.2]
- Algorithms for 3D Convex Hulls, Convex Hulls in Higher-d [BCKO Ch11.2-3], [O Ch4]
- Line Segment Intersection and Arrangement
- Line Segment Intersection, Plane Sweep, Divide & Conquer [BCKO Ch2], [Balaban's Paper]
- Arrangement of Lines, Applications, k-Levels [BCKO Ch8], [O Ch6.1-3]
- Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations
- Voronoi Diagrams, Properties, Fortune's Algorithm [BCKO Ch7.1-2]
- Delaunay Triangulations, Connection to CH, A Randomized Algorithm [BCKO Ch9], [O
- Applications of Voronoi Diagrams and Delaunay Triangulations [O Ch5.5]
- Higher-Order Voronoi Diagrams, Smallest-Width Annulus [BCKO Ch7.3-4], [O Ch6.6]
- Linear Programming
- Linear Programming: Definition and Applications [BCKO Ch4.1-2]
- Solging LP in Low Dimentiond, Megiddo's Algorithm [Megiddo's Paper]
- Seidel's Randomized Algorithm, Smallest Enclosing Circle [BCKO Ch4.3-7]
- Point Location
- A Randomized Incremental Algorithm [BCKO Ch6]
- The Prune and Search Algorithm of Kirkpatrick[Kirkpatrick's Paper]
- Polygon Triangulation
- Trapezoidal Method, Seidel's Algorithm [BCKO Ch3], [Seidel's Paper]
- Applications of Triangulation, Art Gallery Problem [BCKO Ch3.1]
- Range Searching
- K-D Trees, Range Trees, Fractional Cascading [BCKO Ch5]
- Interval Trees, Segment Trees, Priority Search Trees [BCKO Ch10]
- [BCKO] M. de Berg, O. Cheong, M. van Kreveld, and M. Overmars. Computational Geometry: Algorithms
and Applications. 3rd Edition, Springer-Verlag, 2008.
- [O] J. O'Rourke. Computational Geometry in C. 2nd Edition, Cambridge University Press, 1998.