Hossein M. Shodja

The dynamic equivalent inclusion method (DEIM) which was first proposed by Fu and Mura (1983), in its original context has some shortcomings, which were pointed out and remedied by Shodja and Delfani (2009) who introduced the new consistency conditions along with the related micromechanically substantiated notion of eigenstress and eigenbody-force fields. However, these theories are bound to elastic media with isotropic phases. The present work extends the idea of the above-mentioned new DEIM to the dynamic electro-mechanical equivalent inclusion method (DEMEIM) for the treatment of the scattering of SH-waves by a two-phase circular piezoelectric obstacle bonded to a third phase piezoelectric matrix. All the three transversely isotropic media have the same rotational axis of symmetry and the same poling direction which are parallel to the axis of the coated fiber, but perpendicular to the direction of propagation of the incident SH-wave. In general, the nested circular media are considered to be eccentric, i.e., the core fiber has a coating with variable thickness. Realization of the nature of the behavior of the field quantities a priori and its appropriate implementation in to the new extended consistency conditions is a critical step to insure a rigorous mathematical framework. As it will be shown, the expansion of the Green’s function and the eigenelectric, eigenstress, and eigenbody-force fields in terms of the eigenfunctions of the pertinent field equations rather than the commonly considered polynomials in the traditional equivalent inclusion method (EIM) leads to an accurate solution with high convergence rate.
The exact analytical expression for the total scattering cross-section which is influenced by the piezoelectric couplings is derived. The effects of the piezoelectric couplings and the properties of the fiber, coating, and the matrix as well as the wave number on the electro-mechanical scattered fields are examined.
DEMEIM, Eccentric piezoelectric coating-fiber, Eigenbody-force field, Eigenelectric field, SH-wave