Dr. A. Shafiee has recently developed a new formulation of micro-phenomena. Like Bohmian mechanics, the new theory (abbreviated as ASH theory henceforth) is based on the assumption of the hidden variables and could provide a causal and objective description that would resolve many of the paradoxes of quantum mechanics, such as the measurement problem, the double-slit experiment, the tunneling effect etc. Nevertheless, unlike Bohmian mechanics which is nonlocal, it has a local contextual feature. The contextual character of this theory makes it not be captured by the so-called no-go theorems such as the Kochen-Specker and Bell theorem.
In its basic form, ASH theory is non-relativistic; it does not attempt to deal with high speeds or significant gravity. But based on the local causal characteristic of it as well as its capability for being reconsidered on a geometric basis, its development to a more fundamental theory comprising-both general and special-relativistic effects should be seriously thought about.
In ASH theory, it is supposed that there is a field associated with a particle forming together a unit entity called particle-field. The field has a mathematical representation which determines the spatial distribution of the entire system. The dynamics of the whole particle-field system obeys deterministic equations in a manner that when the particle is subjected to a conservative force, the field also experiences a conservative complex force which its form is determined by the dynamics of particle. So, the field is endowed with a given amount of energy, and the probability distributions have an objective character here. And interestingly, the matter (characterized by the existence of a particle), the energy (attributed to the whole particle-field), and information (by which we gain knowledge about the possible locations a particle can be found) are all unified concepts. In addition, the mechanical-like attributes of the associated field provide with us new predictions including nonlinear effects at a more subtle level of observation. Any experimental verification of these nonlinear effects confirms the existence of the energetic fields.