QFT_0- 24343

Introduction to Quantum Field Theory - SS 1403-04 (2025)

General Information

Course Schedules

  • Semester starts on: 1403/11/20
  • Semester ends on: 1404/03/13
  • Midterm Exam on: 1404/02/01
  • Final Exam on: 1404/04/02




Part I: Single Particle Relativistic Wave Function
Classical field theory of continuous systems
Global symmetries and Noether theorem
Klein-Gordon equation
Dirac equation
Free particle solutions of Dirac equation
Chiral fields
Discrete symmetries
Part II: Canonical Quantization and Particle Interpretation
Real Klein-Gordon field
Complex Klein-Gordon field
Electromagnetic field (in radiation and covariant gauge)
Dirac Field
Part III: Interacting Fields and Feynman Diagrams
Perturbative expansion of correlation functions
Wick's theorem for bosons and fermions
Feynman diagrams
Feynman rules for scalar theory
Feynman rules and integrals for Yukawa theory
Feynman rules and integrals for Quantum Electrodynamics
S-Matrix elements from Feynman diagrams
Yukawa Potential in semi-classical limit

Lecture Notes

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Please see CW


Please see CW

Your Scores

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