Mohammad Reza Rahimi Tabar
of Physics

--Book Chapters and Contributions in
Complexity by Stochastic Methods: From Biological Systems to
Turbulence, R. Friedrich, J. Peinke, M.
Sahimi, and M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, Physics
Reports (2011), in press.
This review addresses a central question in the field
of complex systems: Given a fluctuating (in time or space),
sequentially measured set of experimental data, how should one
analyze the data, assess their underlying trends, and discover the
characteristics of the fluctuations that generate the experimental
traces? In recent years, significant progress has been made in
addressing this question for a class of stochastic processes that
can be modeled by Langevin equations, including additive as well
as multiplicative fluctuations or noise. Important results have
emerged from the analysis of temporal data for such diverse fields
as neuroscience, cardiology, finance, economy, surface science,
turbulence, seismic time series and epileptic brain dynamics, to
name but a few. Furthermore, it has been recognized that a similar
approach can be applied to the data that depend on a length scale,
such as velocity increments in fully-developed turbulent flow, or
height increments that characterize rough surfaces. A basic
ingredient of the approach to the analysis of fluctuating data is
the presence of a Markovian property, which can be detected in
real systems above a certain time or length scale. This scale is
referred to as the Markov-Einstein (ME) scale, and has turned out
to be a useful characteristic of complex systems. We provide a
review of the operational methods that have been developed for
analyzing stochastic data in time and scale. We address in detail
the following issues: (i) Reconstruction of stochastic evolution
equations from data in terms of the Langevin equations or the
corresponding Fokker-Planck equations and (ii) intermittency,
cascades and multiscale correlation functions.
--Irreversibility in response to force acting on the graphene sheets, with N. Abedpour and R. Asgari, Phys. Rev. Lett. 104, 196804 (2010); Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 209702 (2011) (Pdf)
The amount of rippling in graphene sheets is related
to the interactions with the substrate or with the suspending
structure. Here, we report on an irreversibility in the response
to forces that act on suspended graphene sheets. This may explain
why one always observes a ripple structure on suspended graphene.
We show that a compression-relaxation mechanism produces static
ripples on graphene sheets and determine a peculiar temperature
Tc, such that for T < Tc the free energy of the rippled
graphene is smaller than that of roughened graphene. We also show
that Tc depends on the structural parameters and increases with
increasing sample size.
Some movies on
“Irreversibility in response to forcing” for
different membranes with different boundary conditions: (movies)
analysis on temperature dependence roughening of amorphous organic
films, A. Farahzadi, P. Niyamakom,
M. Beigmohammadi, N. Mayer, M. Heuken, F. Ghasemi,
M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, T. Michely and
M. Wuttig, Europhysics Letters 90, 10008
Stochastic Processes onto Complex Networks,
with A.H. Shirazi, G.R. Jafari, J. Davoudi, J. Peinke and M.
Sahimi, J. Stat. Mech.
(2009) P07046
We introduce a
method by which stochastic processes are mapped onto complex
networks. As examples, we construct the networks for such time
series as those for free-jet and low-temperature helium
turbulence, the German stock market index (the DAX), and the white
noise. The networks are further studied by contrasting their
geometrical properties, such as the mean-length, diameter,
clustering, average number of connection per node. By comparing
the network properties of the investigated original time series
with those for the shuffled and surrogate series, we are able to
quantify the effect of the long-range correlations and the fatness
of the probability distribution functions of the series on the
constructed networks. Most importantly, we demonstrate that the
time series can be reconstructed with
high precisions by a simple random walk on their corresponding
networks. (Pdf)
Behavior of Seismic Time Series,
Manshour, S. Saberi, M. Sahimi, J. Peinke, Amalio
F. Pacheco, M. Reza Rahimi Tabar, Phys.
Rev. Lett.102 014101(2009) (Pdf).
Its extended version: Phys.
Rev. E 82, 036105 (2010) (Pdf).
grand challenge in geophysics has been developing a method for
predicting when a significant earthquake may occur. Our team has
developed a new method that may go a long way towards this goal.
Using the method, we analyzed the fluctuations of the detrended
increments of the time series for Earth's vertical velocity for
many earthquakes. Our analysis reveals a significant change in the
nature of the probability density functions (PDF) of the series'
increments. For a large earthquake the time at which the PDF
undergoes a transition from a Gaussian to a non-Gaussian is 5-10
hours. The key quantity that signals the transition is the
parameter Lambda^2 that appears in the PDF. Far from the
earthquake, Lambda^2 is almost zero, but close to it suddenly
increases, signaling the transition. The PDF's flatness also
exhibits the same trends. Therefore the transition in the PDF, and
the changes in Lambda^2 and the PDF's flatness, all happening at
the same time, represent a new precursor for detecting impending
significant earthquakes. A key insight is that, due to
localization of elastic waves, only stations close to the
epicenter provide the alert.
power point presentation:(Pdf)
of the paper in the Media
--The Taylor frozen
hypothesis in Burgers turbulence, with A. Bahraminasab, M. D.
Niry, J. Davoudi, A. A. Masoudi, and K. R. Sreenivasan, Phys.
Rev. E 77 (Rapid Communication) 065302 (2008)
of Nonstationary Stochastic Processes with Application to the
Fluctuations in the Oil Price, with,F.
Ghasemi, M. Sahimi, J. Peinke, R.Friedrich, G. Reza Jafari, M.
Reza Rahimi Tabar, Phys. Rev. E 75, (Rapid
Communication), 060102(2007)
of elastic waves in heterogeneous media with off-diagonal disorder
and long-range correlations, with,
F. Shahbazi, Alireza Bahraminasab,S. Mehdi Vaez Allaei, and
Muhammad Sahimi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 94,
165505 (2005) (Pdf)
Analysis and Regeneration of Rough Surfaces, with,
G. R. Jafari, S. M. Fazeli, F. Ghasemi, S. M. Vaez Allaei, A.
Iraji zad and G. Kavei, Phys. Rev.
Lett. 91 (2003) 226101 (Pdf)
Time Scale of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation in the Strong
Coupling Limit in 2+1 dimensions, with,
F. Shahbazi, and A. A. Masoudi, Journal
of Statistical Physics 112, 437 (2003) (Pdf)
Theory of the Kardar-Parisi-Zhang Equation in 1+1 Dimension, with,
A.A. Masoudi, F. Shahbazi, and J. Davoudi, Phys.
Rev. E (65) 026132 (2002)(Pdf)
Model for Kramers-Moyal's description of Turbulence Cascade, with,
Jahanshah Davoudi, Phys. Rev. Lett. 82
(1999) 1680 (Pdf)
Complex systems,
statistical mechanics, stochastic processes and disordered systems
* Dynamics of the Complex
* Electronic and
mechanical properties of Graphene
* DMD simulation of the
proteins in nano-pores
* Stochastic analysis of
Heart Interbeat Dynamics
* Stochastic analysis of
Epileptic Brain Dynamics
* Monte-Carlo Simulation
of Lipids
* Elastic Wave
* Seismic time series
* Disordered Systems
* Cascade Models of Fully
Developed Turbulence