S.M Atarodi
Associate Professor

Ph.D. Electrical and Electronics Eng. (Electrophysics,Integrated circuits and micro electronics),University of Southern California,1993
Professor S.M. Atarodi received his Ph.D. degree from the University of Southern California (USC), Los Angeles, CA, USA, on the subject of analog IC design in 1993. He received the M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the University of California, Irvine, CA, USA, in 1987 and B.S.E.E. from Amir Kabir University of Technology (Tehran Polytechnic), Iran, in 1985. From 1993 to 1996 he worked with Linear Technology Corporation at Silicon Valley California, USA as a Senior Analog Design Engineer and produced 2 IC products in the field of high frequency high dynamic range continuous-time Gm-C filters. Since then, he has been consulting with different IC companies. He is currently an Associate professor at Sharif University of Technology, Tehran. He has published more than 120 technical journal and conference papers in the area of analog/RF and mixed-signal integrated circuit design. He is the author of two books on analog CMOS IC design, and Integrated Filter design from DC to RF. His main interests are integrated bioelectronics, RF/analog/mixed-signal ICs, and analog CAD tools.. He is a senior member of IEEE and the recipient of Interntional Kharazmi Award, the most prestigious knowledge-based industrial award in Iran. He holds 1 U.S. patent and 7 Iranian patents.
Ph.D students:
Aminghasem Safarian,RF Integrated Circuits and Systems, Analog/Mixed Signal Integrated Circuit Design,Assistant Professor,Sharif University of Technology
Ali AhmadiKia,Loading Effect between Stages in Switched Pi/T and Bridged-T Attenuators
Yas Hosseini Tehrani,Novel solutions to enhance scalability in LoRaWAN IOT
Rasoul dehghani,analog and RF integrated circuit design,Associate Professor,Isfahan University of Technology
Saeed Saeedi, analog and RF integrated circuits,Assistant Professor,Tarbiat Modares University
Poorya Karami,Beamforming, Null-Steering, and Simultaneous Spatial and Frequency Domain Filtering in Integrated Phased Array Systems
Pooya Torkzadeh,A study of analog decision feedback equalization for ADC-Based serial link receivers
Baktash Behmanesh,An N-path enhanced-Q tunable filter with reduced harmonic fold back effects,Post Doctoral fellow at Lund University
Armin Tajalli, Ultra Low Power Circuits,Assistant Professor at University of Utah
Majid Shalchian, Functional nanocrystal-based memories with extraction of nanocrystals properties,Assistant Professor,Amirkabir University of Technology
Javad Javidan,High Power Amplifier Based on a Transformer-Type Power Combiner,Associate professor at University of Mohaghegh Ardabili
Master students:
Peyman hosseinzadeh Shanjani,high frequency high and linear Gm-C filter with new Q tuning method,Senior RFIC Design Manager at Psemi
Farzad Sahandi Esfanjani,Analog and RF Integrated Circuit Design,Design Manager at Texas Instruments
Alireza Asoodeh,A Full 360 ∘ Vector-Sum Phase Shifter
Reza Lotfi,Analog and Mixed-Mode Integrated Circuits and Systems,Visiting Professor,Delft University Of Technology
Mehdi Kiani,Analog, A 6-Bit CMOS Phase Shifter forS-Band,Assistant Professor,The Pennsylvania State University
Mohmmad khorshidian,RF & mm-wave circuits and systems design, Research assistant at Columbia University
Mohsen Moezzi,A low power base-band circuit for low-IF wireless PAN receivers,Assistant Professor,Amirkabir University of Technology
Danial Sadeghpour,High efficiency converters