Research Group on Foundations of Quantum Theory and Information at Sharif University of Technology (SUT) works on conceptual foundations of physics and chemistry including quantum physics, statistical physics and thermodynamics.
In quantum physics, the main research topics are quantum interference and Bell's theorem, interpretation of quantum mechanics and manipulating new theoretical models to explain the mysteries of quantum world. Some other topics such as the measurement problem, macroscopic quantum coherence, quantum decoherence, quantum thermodynamics, quantum Information and Bohmian Mechanics are included.
In statistical physics, quantum information and thermodynamics, the research group focuses on some key concepts like arrow of time, (ir)reversibility of chemical phenomena, the origin of first and second law of thermodynamics and its relation with quantum processes and also on the relationship between entropy and information.
We also work on quantum aspects of life as well as the origin of chirality from different point of views including quantum and chemical kinetic approaches and the role of information in biological cells.