Quantum Field Theory II (QFT-II)

Spring Semester 2012 (1390-91-2)
Lecturer: Neda Sadooghi
Office: Room 333, Physics Department
Time: Saturdays and Mondays, 8:30-10:30
Place: CEP Seminar Room 517, Physics Department
Office hours: Saturdays 11:30-12:30
Semester starts on: Saturday 15 of Bahman 1387
Semester ends on: 10th  of Khordad 1388
Final Exam: Take Home (Due to Tir 10, 1391)
M.E. Peskin and D.V. Schroeder An Introduction to QFT - Part II
S. Weinberg The Quantum Theory of Fields
S. Pokorski Gauge Field Theory
L. H. Ryder QFT
C. Itzykson and J. B. Zuber QFT

See also:

D.I. Kazakov Radiative corrections, arXiv:0901.2208
Part I: Quantum Electrodynamics; Regularization and Renormalization
Feynman Rules
Radiative Corrections; Perturbative Series
Power Counting; Dimensional Regularization
One-Loop Renormalization
One-Loop beta-Function; Asymptotic Behavior
Two-Loop Calculation; An Example
Electromagnetic Form Factor; Anomalous Magnetic Moment
Callan-Symanzik Renormalization Group Equation
Special Topic: Composite Operator Renormalization and Operator Mixing
Special Topic: Spectral Function; Kaellen-Lehmann Representation
Part II: Path Integral Quantization; Functional Methods
Path-Integral in QM and QFT
Path-Integral Quantization and Feynman Rules for Bosons and Fermions
Generating Functional for Free Fields
Generating Functional for Interacting Fields
Generating Functional for Connected Diagrams
Generating Functional for One Particle Irreducible (1PI) Diagrams
Ward-Takahashi Identities in QED
Functional Determinant
Part III: Non-Abelian Gauge Theory
Mathematical Tools: Lie Groups
Yang-Mills Action and Non-Abelian Gauge Invariance
Gauge Fixing and DeWitt-Faddeev-Popov Ghosts
One-loop Radiative Corrections and beta-Function
Slavnov-Taylor Identities
QCD beta-Function (perturbative method)
QCD beta-function (background field formalism)
One-loop Effective action of linear sigma model and its renormalization
Spontaneous Symmetry Breaking (Goldstone Mechanism + Classical Proof of Goldstone Theorem)
Your Score: Schedule % of your final score
Final Exam TBA 70
Seminar talks TBA 30
Lectures: pdf-files Date pdf-files Date pdf-files Date
Lecture 1 15/11/90 Lecture 10 20/12/90 Lecture 19 11/02/91
Lecture 2 17/11/90 Lecture 11 22/12/90 Lecture 20 18/02/91
Lecture 3 24/11/90 Lecture 12 19/01/91 Lecture 21 23/02/91
Lecture 4 29/11/90 Lecture 13 21/01/91 Lecture 22 25/02/91
Lecture 5 01/12/90 Lecture 14 26/01/91 Lecture 23 30/02/91
Lecture 6 06/12/90 Lecture 15 28/01/91 Lecture 24 01/03/91
Lecture 7 08/12/90 Lecture 16 02/02/91 Lecture 25 06/03/91
Lecture 8 13/12/90 Lecture 17 04/02/91 Lecture 26 08/03/91
Lecture 9 15/12/90 Lecture 18 09/02/91 Lecture 27
Lecture Notes: pdf-files          
Lecture Notes
Homeworks: Problem Set   Due to:
Final Exam (Take Home) Tir 10, 1391
The Scores:      
  Final Scores
Term Papers:
[1] Wilsoninan Renormalization
[2] Effective Action for Composite Operators
[3] Epsilon Expansion
[4] Renormalization and Effective Lagrangians
[5] Effective Field Theory
[6] Non-Perturbative Renormalization Flow in QFT and Statistical Physics
[1] Peskin and Schroeder Chapter 12 and 13
[4] J. Polchinski, Nucl. Phys. B 231, 269 (1984)
Seminar Schedule:
Time (9:00-10:30) Speaker and time
Chapter 12 Saturday 20/03/1391 B. Kasmaei and Sh. Asnafi
Polchinski's paper Sunday   21/03/1391 A. Akhshik
Chapter 13 Monday 22/03/1391 O. Hajizadeh