Ali Rezakhani
Ali Rezakhani
Ph 330
Department of Physics
Sharif University of Technology
Azadi Ave, Tehran 14588, IRAN
+98 (21) 6616-4523/6602-2711
lastname [AT] sharif . edu
Other/PAST Academic positions:
• Vice-Chair for Education, Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Dec. `16 -- Sep. `17
• Vice-Chair for Graduate Studies, Department of Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, Aug. `20 -- Mar. `22
• Head, School of Physics, Institute for Research in Fundamental Sciences (IPM), Tehran, Iran, Dec. `20 -- Dec. `21
Academic Training:
• B.Sc. in Physics, University of Tehran, Tehran, Iran,`98
• M.Sc. in Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, `00
• Ph.D. in Physics, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, `04
• Postdoctoral Fellow, Institute for Scientific Interchange, Turin, Italy, `05
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, Pacific Institute for Mathematical Sciences & Institute for Quantum Science and Technology, University of Calgary, Calgary, Canada, `06 & `07
• Postdoctoral Research Associate, Department of Chemistry & Center for Quantum Information Science and Technology, University of Southern California, Los Angeles, USA, `08, `09, & `10
research Interests:
Quantum Information Science, Quantum Computation, Open Quantum Systems, Quantum Thermodynamics and Statistical Mechanics, Quantum Metrology/Tomography, Quantum Control, Quantum Simulation, Quantum Phase Transitions
Current Group members:
•Ph.D. student: Hossein Norouzi
•M.Sc. students: Mina Farnia, Armin Yadollahi
(We are part of the Quantum Information Science Group @ Sharif.)
selected publications:
• “Correlation-picture approach to open-quantum-system dynamics,” Phys. Rev. X 10, 041024 (2020), by S. Alipour, A. T. Rezakhani, A. P. Babu, K. Mølmer, M. Möttönen, and T. Ala-Nissila
• “Correlations in quantum thermodynamics: Heat, work, and entropy production,” Sci. Rep. 6, 35568 (2016), by S. Alipour, F. Benatti, F. Bakhshinezhad, M. Afsary, S. Marcantoni, and A. T. Rezakhani
• ”Quantum metrology in open systems: Dissipative Cramer-Rao bound,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 112, 120405 (2014), by S. Alipour, M. Mehboudi, and A. T. Rezakhani
• ”Zeno effect for quantum computation and control,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 108, 080501 (2012), by G. A. Paz-Silva, A. T. Rezakhani, J. M. Dominy, and D. A. Lidar
• ”Quantum Adiabatic Brachistochrone,” Phys. Rev. Lett. 103, 080502 (2009), by A. T. Rezakhani, W.-J. Kuo, A. Hamma, D. A. Lidar, and P. Zanardi
• ”Equation of motion for the process matrix: Hamiltonian identification and dynamical control of open quantum systems,” Phys. Rev. A [Rapid Comm.] 80, 010101(R) (2009), by M. Mohseni and A. T. Rezakhani
• ”Quantum process tomography: Resource analysis of different strategies,” Phys. Rev. A 77, 032322 (2008), by M. Mohseni, A. T. Rezakhani, and D. A. Lidar
• ”Direct estimation of single- and two-qubit Hamiltonians and relaxation rates,” Phys. Rev. A 77, 042320 (2008), by M. Mohseni, A. T. Rezakhani, and A. Aspuru-Guzik
• “Generation of phase-covariant quantum cloning,” Phys. Rev. A 66, 052111 (2002), by V. Karimipour and A. T. Rezakhani
Associate Professor
Department of Physics
Sharif University of Technology
Updated: Dec. `24