Lecturer: Dr. F. Farhadi & M.R. Pishvaie

Status (in the study program): Compulsory course in graduate study, for Simulation/Control & Process Groups (26327)

Aims/Scope/Objectives: The students are acquainted with skills of listening to seminars, preparing documents and performing posters and oral presentations. The basic aim is to scrutinize up and familiarize with key components of a typical successful presentation. In every session of the course, four grad-level students present their acheivements and/or progress of their underlying projects. Further, it is accustomed to have a question/answer section for a couple of minutes in between. The quality assessment of each student presentation is done as a weighted average of six attributes, filled by audience.


[1] Niemantsverdriet, J.W., How to give successful oral and poster presentations, EFCATS.

[2] Preparing Effective PowerPoint Presentation.

[3] Chen, V. Designing Effective PowerPoint Presentation, ERAU.

[4] McConnell, S., Giving an Effective Presentation, Stanford.

[5] How to prepare a PowerPoint Presentation, Binghamton University.

[6] Miller, L., How to Create a PowerPoint Presentation.

[7] Using PowerPoint to Design Effective Presentation.

[8] Compton, K. and Chang, M.L., Terrible Presentation.

[9] Tips On How to Make a PowerPoint Presntation.

[10] Scott, S. Welcome to Best Practices in PowerPoint.


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