Sharif University of Technology
Department of Materials Science and Engineering
Mohsen Kazeminezhad
Address: Dept. of Materials Science and Engineering
Sharif University of Technology
Azadi Avenue,
P.O. Box: 11155-9466
Tehran, Iran
E-mail: mkazemi@sharif.edu
Tel: +98 21 66165227
Fax: +98 21 66005717
· Ph.D. in Materials Science and Engineering, Metal Forming, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2002 -2006.
· Visiting Fellow in School of Mechanics, Materials and Mechatronics, University of Wollongong, Wollongong, Australia, 2005 -2006.
· M.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering, Metal Forming, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 2000 -2002.
· B.Sc. in Materials Science and Engineering, Metal Forming, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, 1996 -2000.
Research Interests
· Simulation and Analysis of Metal Forming Processes using Finite Element Method
· Simulation of Microstructure/Nano-Structure using Monte Carlo Model
· Severe Plastic Deformation (Microstructure/Nano-structure / Mechanical properties / modeling)
· Thermomechanical
· Strain Aging
Teaching courses
(Computational Materials Science)
ISI Journal Papers
2024 |
Modeling the effect of Mg addition on microstructured strength of aluminum during severe plastic deformationH Parvin, M KazeminezhadJournal of Materials Research and Technology 28, 3013-3024 |
2024 |
Strength evolution during accumulative roll bonding of the metal matrix compositeH Parvin, M KazeminezhadJournal of Materials Research and Technology 24, 1513-1523 |
2023 |
Mechanistic modelling of cryo-deformation and post-annealing of aluminiumA Alyani, M KazeminezhadMaterials Science and Technology 39 (4), 485-495 |
2023 |
Pre and post rolling homogenization of direct chill cast Al-6Mg alloy: effect on microstructure and mechanical propertiesMA Mostafaei, M KazeminezhadAdvances in Materials and Processing Technologies, 1-15 |
2023 |
Friction stir welding of severely plastic deformed aluminum using (Al2O3+ graphite) hybrid powders: Grain structure stability and mechanical performanceSE Moosavi, M Movahedi, M KazeminezhadJournal of Materials Research and Technology 21, 961-980 |
2022 |
On the solution treatment of severely deformed AA2024-O and subsequent natural agingM Forouzesh, M KazeminezhadJournal of Materials Research and Technology 20, 1558-1569 |
2022 |
Bimodal grain size and mechanical properties enhancement in low carbon steel by ultra-rapid annealingMA Mostafaei, M KazeminezhadJournal of Materials Research and Technology 18, 2363-2367 |
2022 |
Annealing behavior of aluminum after low-temperature severe plastic deformation |
2021 |
2021 |
Effect of two steps annealing on the microstructure and dynamic strain aging behavior of Al-6Mg alloy |
2020 |
Flow stress of 2024 aluminum alloy during multi-directional forging process and natural aging after plastic deformation |
2020 |
Effect of severe plastic deformation on evolution of intermetallic layer and mechanical properties of cold roll bonded Al-Steel bilayer sheets |
2020 |
Sound velocity in severely deformed aluminum alloys: AA1100 and AA2024 F Yaghoubi, S Khani Moghanaki, M Kazeminezhad |
2020 |
Limiting grain size through high pressure torsion of different materials H Parvin, M Kazeminezhad |
2020 |
P Khamsepour, M Kazeminezhad Materials Chemistry and Physics, 122022 |
2020 |
AR Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 29 (6), 1127-1137 |
2019 |
Flow Stress Evolution in Further Straining of Severely Deformed Al V Charkhesht, M Kazeminezhad Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 50 (5), 2371-2380 |
2019 |
Effect of electropulsing on microstructure and hardness of cold-rolled low carbon steel RA Fard, M Kazeminezhad Journal of Materials Research and Technology 8 (3), 3114-3125 |
2019 |
SS Firouzabadi, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 739, 167-172 |
2019 |
S Emami Kervee, P Pourshayan, F Nasrollahnezhad, S Khani Moghanaki, ... Materials Science and Technology 34 (6), 688-697 |
2018 |
Post Deformation at Room and Cryogenic Temperature Cooling Media on Severely Deformed 1050-Aluminum MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad Metals and Materials International 24 (2), 401-414 |
2018 |
F Soleimani, M Kazeminezhad steel research international |
2018 |
SK Moghanaki, M Kazeminezhad, R Logé Materials Characterization 135, 221-227 |
2018 |
SK Moghanaki, M Kazeminezhad, R Logé Materials & Design 132, 250-256 |
2017 |
Rapid annealing of severely deformed low carbon steel in subcritical temperature range H Ghiabakloo, M Kazeminezhad Metals and Materials International 23 (5), 984-993 |
2017 |
SK Moghanaki, M Kazeminezhad, R Logé Materials Characterization 131, 399-405, 2017 |
2017 |
SK Moghanaki, M Kazeminezhad, R Logé Materials Characterization 127, 317-324, 2017 |
2017 |
MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, Y Miyashita, N Saito, AH Kokabi Journal of Alloys and Compounds |
2017 |
MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, Y Miyashita, AH Kokabi International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 24 (3), 297-308 |
2017 |
SK MOGHANAKI, M KAZEMINEZHAD Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 27 (1), 1-9 |
2017 |
Electrical annealing of severely deformed copper: microstructure and hardness S Nobakht, M Kazeminezhad International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy and Material 10, 009 |
2017 |
Deformation Behavior of Severely Deformed Al and Related Mechanisms Through Warm Tensile Test V Charkhesht, M Kazeminezhad Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance, 1-14 |
2017 |
MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, Y Miyashita, AH Kokabi Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 48 (1), 188-197 |
2017 |
A Beygi, R., Kazeminezhad, M., Mehrizi, M.Z., Eisaabadi B, G., Loureiro The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 393-400 |
2017 |
SK Moghanaki, M Kazeminezhad Journal of Alloys and Compounds 683, 527-532 |
2016 |
MA Mostafaei, M Kazeminezhad International Journal of Minerals, Metallurgy, and Materials 23 (7), 779-792 |
2016 |
Energy absorption of friction stir welded 1050 aluminum sheets through wedge tearing M Amiri, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials & Design 93, 216-223 |
2016 |
MA Mostafaei, M Kazeminezhad steel research international |
2016 |
Surrogate-based Pareto optimization of annealing parameters for severely deformed steel H Ghiabakloo, K Lee, M Kazeminezhad, BS Kang Materials & Design 92, 1062-1069 |
2016 |
MA Mostafaei, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 655, 229-236 |
2016 |
Modelling the temperature rise effect through high-pressure torsion H Parvin, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Technology, 1-5, 2016 |
2016 |
S Asadi, M Kazeminezhad Transactions of the Indian Institute of Metals, 1-13 |
2016 |
H Parvin, M Kazeminezhad Materials Letters 159, 410-412 |
2015 |
H Parvin, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Technology 31 (14), 1788-1793 |
2015 |
Thermal stability of aluminum after friction stir processing with SiC nanoparticles MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials & Design 80, 41-50 |
2015 |
B Abnar, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 25 (7), 2147-2155 |
2015 |
MH Farshidi, M Kazeminezhad, H Miyamoto Materials Science and Engineering: A 640, 42-50 |
2015 |
F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials Science and Engineering: A 637, 12-22 |
2015 |
R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi, A Loureiro Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46 (6), 2544-2553 |
2015 |
Influence of stored strain on fabricating of Al/SiC nanocomposite by friction stir processing MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 46 (5), 2021-2034 |
2015 |
The Effect of Premixed Al-Cu Powder on the Stir Zone in Friction Stir Welding of AA3003-H18 B Abnar, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Journal of Materials Engineering and Performance 24 (2), 1086-1093 |
2015 |
The effects of die geometry in tube channel pressing: Severe plastic deformation MH Farshidi, M Kazeminezhad Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part L: Journal of … |
2015 |
H Parvin, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 95, 250-255 |
2014 |
Microstructrual evolution of aluminum 6061 alloy through tube channel pressing MH Farshidi, M Kazeminezhad, H Miyamoto Materials Science and Engineering: A 615, 139-147 |
2014 |
Static Strain Aging Behavior of Low Carbon Steel Drawn Wire M Kazeminezhad, Y Khaledzadeh, A Karimi Taheri Iranian Journal of Materials Forming 1, 44-51 |
2014 |
A Dodangeh, M Kazeminezhad, H Aashuri International Journal of Cast Metals Research 27 (5), 312-320 |
2014 |
H Barekatain, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Journal of Materials Science & Technology 30 (8), 826-834 |
2014 |
B Abnar, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (9), 3882-3891 |
2014 |
F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Technology 30 (7), 765-773 |
2014 |
The effect of SiC nanoparticles on the friction stir processing of severely deformed aluminum MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials Science and Engineering: A 602, 110-118 |
2014 |
R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi, S Alvani, D Verdera, A Loureiro Advanced Materials Research 856, 16-21, 2014 |
2014 |
On the failure behavior of highly cold worked low carbon steel resistance spot welds F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (3), 1376-1389 |
2014 |
J Kavosi, M Saei, M Kazeminezhad, A Dodangeh Computational Materials Science 81, 284-289 |
2014 |
Microstructural Evolution and Fracture Behavior of Friction-Stir-Welded Al-Cu Laminated Composites R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A 45 (1), 361-370 |
2014 |
KR Mamaghani, M Kazeminezhad Journal of materials engineering and performance 23 (1), 115-124 |
2014 |
Prediction of the mechanical properties of rods after cold forging and heat treatment M Kazeminezhad The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 69 (9-12 … |
2013 |
On the natural aging behavior of Aluminum 6061 alloy after severe plastic deformation MH Farshidi, M Kazeminezhad, H Miyamoto Materials Science and Engineering: A 580, 202-208 |
2013 |
MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials & Design 45, 222-227 |
2013 |
Analyses on the flow stress of an Al-Mg alloy during dynamic recovery MA Mostafaei, M Kazeminezhad Journal of materials engineering and performance 22 (3), 700-705 |
2013 |
J Kavosi, M Saei, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 67, 359-363 |
2013 |
Severe plastic deformation of 6061 aluminum alloy tube with pre and post heat treatments MH Farshidi, M Kazeminezhad, H Miyamoto Materials Science and Engineering: A 563, 60-67 |
2013 |
Butt joining of Al–Cu bilayer sheet through friction stir welding R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Transactions of Nonferrous Metals Society of China 22 (12), 2925-2929 |
2012 |
Severe plastic deformation of rheoforged aluminum alloy A356 A Dodangeh, M Kazeminezhad, H Aashuri Materials Science and Engineering: A 558, 371-376 |
2012 |
MH Farshidi, M Kazeminezhad Journal of materials engineering and performance 21 (10), 2099-2105 |
2012 |
Microstructure evolutions after friction stir welding of severely deformed aluminum sheets MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials & Design 40, 364-372 |
2012 |
F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials Characterization 69, 71-83 |
2012 |
A Zangiabadi, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 59, 174-181 |
2012 |
Modeling of austenite to ferrite transformation M Kazeminezhad Bulletin of Materials Science 35 (3), 395-398 |
2012 |
A novel approach to find the kinetics of dynamic recovery based on hot flow curves MA Mostafaei, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 544, 88-91 |
2012 |
Mechanical properties of severely plastic deformed aluminum sheets joined by friction stir welding MS Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials Science and Engineering: A 543, 243-248 |
2012 |
SS Firouzabadi, M Kazeminezhad Materials & Design 36, 804-808 |
2012 |
Hot deformation behavior of hot extruded Al–6Mg alloy MA Mostafaei, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 535, 216-221 |
2012 |
Work hardening and mechanical properties of severely deformed AA3003 by constrained groove pressing F Khakbaz, M Kazeminezhad Journal of Manufacturing Processes 14 (1), 20-25 |
2012 |
Strain rate sensitivity and fracture behavior of severely deformed Al–Mn alloy sheets F Khakbaz, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 532, 26-30 |
2012 |
Microstructure evolutions after friction stir welding of severely deformed aluminum sheets M Sarkari Khorrami, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials and Design 40, 364 |
2012 |
F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials Science and Engineering: A 529, 237-245 |
2011 |
Tearing energy of an annealed bilayer sheet through multiple and single tensile tests R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (29), 8800-8803 |
2011 |
R Jafari, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 50 (9), 2698-2705 |
2011 |
F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad Materials & Design 32 (6), 3280-3286 |
2011 |
The annealing phenomena and thermal stability of severely deformed steel sheet F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (15), 5212-5218 |
2011 |
A Zangiabadi, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 528 (15), 5066-5072 |
2011 |
Implementation of a constitutive model in finite element method for intense deformation E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Materials & Design 32 (2), 487-494, 2011 |
2011 |
E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 50 (3), 1123-1135 |
2011 |
F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad, M Azarnush, SH Miran Materials Science Forum 667, 1009-1014, 2011 |
2011 |
R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad International Journal of Mechanical Sciences 52 (12), 1613-1619 |
2010 |
R Beygi, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (27), 7329-7333 |
2010 |
Constrained groove pressing of low carbon steel: nano-structure and mechanical properties F Khodabakhshi, M Kazeminezhad, AH Kokabi Materials Science and Engineering: A 527 (16), 4043-4049 |
2010 |
M Kazeminezhad, E Hosseini The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47 (9), 1033-1039 |
2010 |
E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 48 (1), 166-173 |
2010 |
Optimum groove pressing die design to achieve desirable severely plastic deformed sheets M Kazeminezhad, E Hosseini Materials & Design 31 (1), 94-103, 2010 |
2010 |
A Dislocation-Based Model Considering Free Surface Theory Through HPT Process: Nano-Structured Ni E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad SCIENTIA IRANICA 17 (1), 52-59 |
2010 |
ETMB model investigation of flow softening during severe plastic deformation E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 46 (4), 902-905 |
2009 |
E Hosseini, A Habibollahzadeh, M Erfanmanesh, H Mostajabodave, ... Materials Science and Technology 25 (10), 1283-1288 |
2009 |
E Rafizadeh, A Mani, M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 515 (1), 162-168 |
2009 |
On the evolution of flow stress during constrained groove pressing of pure copper sheet E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad, A Mani, E Rafizadeh Computational Materials Science 45 (4), 855-859 |
2009 |
Dislocation structure and strength evolution of heavily deformed tantalum E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad International Journal of Refractory Metals and Hard Materials 27 (3), 605-610 |
2009 |
A comparison of low carbon steel and Al–Mg alloy sheets in quasi-static tearing collisions M Kazeminezhad Materials & Design 30 (4), 1333-1336 |
2009 |
E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Journal of materials science 44 (5), 1212-1218 |
2009 |
A hybrid model on severe plastic deformation of copper E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 44 (4), 1107-1115 |
2009 |
Modeling nano-scale grain growth of intermetallics M Kazeminezhad Bulletin of Materials Science 32 (1), 19-21 |
2009 |
M Kazeminezhad Journal of materials engineering and performance 18 (1), 26-31 |
2009 |
The effect of ECAP die shape on nano-structure of materials E Hosseini, M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 44 (3), 962-967 |
2009 |
Monte Carlo simulation of recrystallization with hardness input of cold worked metal M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 496 (1), 389-392 |
2008 |
M Kazeminezhad, E Hosseini Journal of materials science 43 (18), 6081-6086 |
2008 |
Simulation the ultra-fine microstructure evolution during annealing of metal processed by ECAP M Kazeminezhad Computational Materials Science 43 (2), 309-312 |
2008 |
On the modeling of the static recrystallization considering the initial grain size effects M Kazeminezhad Materials Science and Engineering: A 486 (1), 202-207 |
2008 |
The effect of 3D and 2D deformations on flattened wires M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Journal of Materials Processing Technology 202 (1), 553-558 |
2008 |
A study on the cross-sectional profile of flat rolled wire M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri, AK Tieu Journal of materials processing technology 200 (1), 325-330 |
2008 |
M Kazeminezhad Journal of materials science 43 (10), 3500-3504 |
2008 |
M Kazeminezhad journal of materials processing technology 199 (1), 230-233 |
2008 |
Deformation inhomogeneity in flattened copper wire M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Materials & design 28 (7), 2047-2053 |
2007 |
M Kazeminezhad Journal of Computer-Aided Materials Design 14 (3), 435-446 |
2007 |
M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri, AK Tieu Computational materials science 38 (4), 765-773 |
2007 |
M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Materials letters 60 (27), 3265-3268 |
2006 |
M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri, AK Tieu Journal of computer-aided materials design 13 (1-3), 221-232 |
2006 |
Applicability of the FSEM for analyzing wire flat rolling process M Kazeminezhad, A Karimi Taheri Engineering computations 23 (5), 515-524 |
2006 |
Calculation of the rolling pressure distribution and force in wire flat rolling process M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Journal of materials processing technology 171 (2), 253-258 |
2006 |
A theoretical and experimental investigation on wire flat rolling process using deformation pattern M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Materials & design 26 (2), 99-103, 2005 |
2005 |
An experimental investigation on the deformation behavior during wire flat rolling process M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Journal of Materials Processing Technology 160 (3), 313-320 |
2005 |
Prediction of ferrite grain size and tensile properties of a low carbon steel M Kazeminezhad, A Karimi Taheri Materials science and technology 20 (1), 106-110 |
2004 |
M Kazeminezhad, AK Taheri Materials & design 24 (6), 415-421, 2003 |
2003 |