
Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Ave., Tehran,11365-9465,I. R. IRAN
Tel: +98 21 6616-6425 Fax: +98 21 6602-2853Address2:
Shahid Sattari Building, 8st Floor, Technology Affairs Office, Sharif University of Technology, Azadi Ave., Tehran,1458889694,I. R. IRAN
Tel: +98 21 6616-8060 Fax: +98 21 6601-6516 Email: masihi@sharif.edu web: sharif.edu/~masihi Research Links: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-2937-0668 https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=bMIjI6gAAAAJ&hl=en Languages:Persian, English
Visiting Professor in the Department Earth Science and Engineering, Imperial College London
Ph.D.in Petroleum Engineering, Imperial College, London, UK
M.Sc.in Chemical Engineering Tehran University, Tehran, Iran
B.Sc.in Chemical Engineering, Petroleum University of Technology, Ahwaz, Iran
6/2024 - Present | Director of Technology Affairs, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
12/2021 - 6/2024 | Director of International Affairs, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
10/2018 - 12/2021 | Vice-chair for Research and International Affairs, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
2015 | Conference secretary, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January |
5/2013 - 2015 | Director of Sharif Upstream Petroleum Research Institute (SUPRI), Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
8/2012 - 10/2014 | Vice-chair for Student and Cultural Affairs, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
9/2008 - 9/2012 | Director of Petroleum Engineering Division, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, IRAN |
9/2011 - Present | A member of Editorial Board, Journal of Petroleum Research, Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, RIPI, Iran |
9/2012 - Present | A member of Editorial Board, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas: Science and Technology, Petroleum University of Technology, Iran |
1. Reservoir Rock Properties
2. Reservoir Rock Properties Laboratory
3. Reservoir Engineering I and II
4. Fluid Flow in Porous Media
5. Modelling and Simulation of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs
6. Geostatistics and Spatial Modelling
7. Fracture Reservoir Engineering
8. Advance Reservoir Engineering
9. Percolation Approach in Reservoir Modelling
Distinguished Researcher, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2014.
Distinguished Researcher, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Sharif University of Technology, 2011.
3th prize winner project for distinguished innovation in research and education (Dr Mojtahedi Innovation Award) at Sharif University of Technology (2010).
Ranking second in national examination for PhD studies, taken by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology of Iran (2002).
Full scholarship for PhD studies in Petroleum Engineering at Imperial College London by Ministry of Science, Research and Technology (2003).
Honour degree in MSc studies (1995).
First class honors and award in BSc studies (1993).
1. Masihi M, PR. King, Percolation Approach in Underground Reservoir Modeling, chapter 12 in the book "Water Resources Management and Modeling ", published by InTech, InTech, 263-286, 2011.
2. Masihi M, Modeling and Simulation of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Published by Setayesh Publication Institute, pp 227, 978-600-5184-51-8, 2012. (Persian)
3. Masihi M, Fundamental of Gas and Oil Reservoir Engineering-Fluid flow aspects, Sharif Publication Institute, pp 220, 2014.(Persian)
4. Masihi M, Statistical Analysis for Reservoir Characterization in Petroleum Engineering, AmirKabir Publication Institute, pp 222, ISBN: 978-964-463-526-7, 2013.(Persian)
5. Masihi M, Fundamental of Fractured Reservoir Engineering- Characterization and production evaluation aspects, Published by Setayesh Publication Institute, pp 300, 978-600-7445-15-0, 2014. (Persian)
6. Masihi M, Fractured Reservoir Engineering- Modeling and Simulation, Published by RIPI Publication Institute, pp 258,ISBN: 978-600-5961-98-0, 2016. (Persian)
7. Masihi M, Fundamentals of Reservoir Engineering, Reserve evaluation and development Published by Setayesh Publication Institute, pp 230, 2017. (Persian)
8. King P., and Masihi M, Percolation Theory in Reservoir Engineering, Published by World Scientific, pp 300, 978-1-78634-523-3, 2018.
Mohsen Masihi
1 | M Masihi, P King and P Nurafza, The Effect of Anisotropy on Finite Size Scaling in Percolation Theory, Physical Review E 74, 042102 (2006). |
2 | M Belayneh, M Masihi, S Matthai and P King, Prediction of Vein Connectivity Using the Percolation Approach: Model Test with Field Data,Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 3, 219-229, 2006. |
3 | M Masihi, P King and P Nurafza, Fast Estimation of Connectivity in Fractured Reservoirs Using Percolation Theory,SPE Journal, 12 (2), 167-178, 2007. |
4 | M Masihi and P King, A Correlated Fracture Network: Modeling and Percolation Properties, Water Resources Research Journal, 43, doi: 10.1029/2006WR005331, 2007. |
5 | M Masihi and P R King, Connectivity Prediction in Fractured Reservoirs with Variable Fracture Size; Analysis and Validation, SPE Journal, 13 (1), 88-98, 2008. |
6 | P Kingand M Masihi, Percolation in Porous media, Encyclopedia of Complexity and System Science,Part 16, 6565-6579, DOI: 10.1007/978-0-387-30440-3_389, 2009 |
7 | A. M. Paiaman, M. K. Ghassem Al-Askari, B. Salmani, B. D. Al-Anazi and M. Masihi, Effect of Drilling Fluid Properties on Rate of Penetration,NAFTA Journal 60 (3) 129-134, 2009. |
8 | M. Tavakoli, R. Kharrat, M. Masihi and M.H. Ghazanfari,Prediction of Asphaltene Precipitation during Pressure Depletion and CO2 Injection for Heavy Crude, Petroleum Science and Technology,28(09), pp. 892 - 902, 2010 |
9 | Sara Ma'soumand Mohsen Masihi, Invasion Percolation in the Presence of Gravity, Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 29(1), 71-83, 2010. |
10 | M. Fallah, M Masihi, A. Momeni, Recovery Improvement Using Water and Gas Injection Scenarios, Petroleum Science and Technology, 29(03), pp. 290 - 300, 2011. |
11 | M. GanjehGhazvini, R. Kharrat and M. Masihi, A new mathematical model for force gravity drainage in fractured porous media, Transport in Porous Media, 83, 711-724, 2010. |
12 | S. RazzaghFamian and M. Masihi, Immiscible gas injection to improve recovery from an Iranian naturally fractured reservoir: a case study with emphasize on uncertain parameters, Iranian Chemical Engineering Journal, Special issue (Enhanced Oil Recovery), 8(43), 6-14, 2009. |
13 | M Rahimi, A Ramazani and M. Masihi, Automatic history matching for one of the Iranian Fractured Reservoir, (in Persian),Iranian Chemical Engineering Journal, Special issue (Enhanced Oil Recovery), 8(43), 152-165, 2009. |
14 | S Sadeghnejad, M Masihi, PR King, A. Shojaei, M. Pishvaei,Effect of anisotropy on the scaling of connectivity and conductivity in continuum percolation theory, Physical Review E 81, 0611191-5, 2010. |
15 | H. Darabi, A Kavousi, M. Moraveji, M. Masihi, 3D fracture modeling in Parsi oil field using Artificial Intelligence tools, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 71, 67-76, 2010. |
16 | A SadegiBoogar, and M Masihi, New Technique for Calculation of Well Deliverability in Gas Condensate Reservoirs, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 2, 29-35, 2010. |
17 | S. Razzagh Famian and M. Masihi,Special features of fracture network in Iranian fractured reservoirs, NAFTA Journal 61 (1) 39-47, 2010. |
18 | A.Kakouei, M. Masihi, E. Biniaz and G. Zargar, Facies modeling using back propogation neural networks in southern pars field, (in Persian) Petroleum Research, 20(61), 2010. |
19 | F. Rasti, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat, The Semi-analytical Modeling and Simulation of VAPEX process of “Kuh-e-Mond” heavy oil reservoir, Petroleum Science and Technology, 29(05), pp. 535 - 548, 2011. |
20 | S Sadeghnejad, M Masihi, PR King, A Shojaei, M Pishvaei, A Reservoir Conductivity Evaluation Using Percolation Theory, Petroleum Science and Technology, 29(10), 1041-1051,2011. |
21 | H. Dashtian, G. R. Jafari, M. Sahimi, M. Masihi, Scaling, multifractality, and long-range correlations in well logs of large-scale porous media, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 390 (11), 2096-2111, 2011. |
22 | M. Tavakoli, M. Masihi and M.H. Ghazanfari, R. Kharrat,Prediction of Asphaltene Precipitation during Solvent/CO2 Injection Conditions: A Comparative Study on Thermodynamic Micellization Model with a Different Characterization Approach and Solid Model, Journal of Canadian Petroleum Technology, SPE-145638-PA,50 (3), pp. 65-74, 2011. |
23 | A SadegiBoogar, Gerami S. and M Masihi, Investigation on Capability of Modern Decline Curve Analysis for Gas Condensate Reservoirs, Scientia Iranica C, 18(3),491-501, 2011. |
24 | M. Tavakkoli, M Masihi, M H Ghazanfari, Riyaz Kharrat, An Improvement of Thermodynamic Micellization Model for Prediction of Asphaltene Precipitation during Gas Injection in Heavy Crude, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 308, 153-163, 2011. |
25 | A. Mirzaei-Paiaman, M. Masihi, D. C. Standnes, An Analytic Solution for the Frontal Flow Period in 1-D Counter-Current Spontaneous Imbibition into Porous Media Including Gravity and Wettability Effects, Transport in Porous Media, 89 (1), 49-62, 2011. |
26 | A. Mirzaei-Paiaman, M. Masihi, J. Moghadasi,Formation damage through aqueous phase trapping: a review on the evaluating methods. Petroleum Science and Technology, 29, 1187-1196, 2011. |
27 | A. Ghasemi Nejad, M. Masihi and A Shojaei, Simulation of Fractured Reservoirs using Finite Element with Logarithmic Shape Functions, (in Persian),Iranian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 10(54), 8-21, 2011. |
28 | A. Zarei, M. Masihi and K. Salahshor, Comparison of different univariate and multivariate geostatistical methods by porosity modeling of an Iranian oil field,Petroleum Science and Technology, 29(19), 2061 - 2076, 2011. |
29 | A. A. Dehghan, S. A. Farzaneh, R. Kharrat, M. H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, Experimental and Simulation Studies of the Effect of Vertical Permeability Barriers on Oil Recovery Efficiency during Solvent Injection Processes, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 33(20), 1889 – 1900, 2011. |
30 | M. Saidian, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi, R Kharrat, Five-Spot Injection/Production Well Location Design Based on Fracture Geometrical Characteristics in Heavy Oil Fractured Reservoirs during Miscible Displacement: An Experimental Approach, Chemical Engineering Communications, 199 (2):306-320, 2012. |
31 | S Sadeghnejad, M Masihi, M Pishvaei, A Shojaei, PR King, Utilization of Percolation Approach to Evaluate the Reservoir Connectivity and Effective Permeability: A Case Study on North Pars Gas Field, Scientia Iranica C, 18(6), 1391-1396, 2011. |
32 | M. Masihi, L. Javanbakht, F. BahalooHoreh and M.R. Rasaei, Experimental Investigation and Evaluation of Three-Phase Relative Permeability Models,Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 79, 45-53, 2011. |
33 | P. Ahmadzedeh and M Masihi, Experimental Study of the parameters of Archie equation under capillary pressure for Asmari Rock Samples, (in Persian),IranianJournal of Chemical Engineering, 10 (56), 72-83, 2011. |
34 | A. Mirzaei-Paiaman,M.Masihi,D.C. Standnes, Study on Non-equilibrium Effects during Spontaneous Imbibition, Energy and Fuels. 25 (7), 3053-3059, 2011. |
35 | M.Dejam, M. H. Ghazanfari, M. Kamyab and M. Masihi, The gas-oil Gravity Drainage model in a Single Matrix Block: A New Relationship between Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Functions,Journal of Porous Media,14(8):709–720, 2011. |
36 | H. Darabi and M. Masihi,Optimizing the position of injection wells along with evaluating the uncertainty(in Persian),Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 29(4), 125-136, 2011. |
37 | H. Dashtian, G. R. Jafari, Z. KoohiLai, M. Masihi, M. Sahimi, Analysis of Cross Correlations between Well Logs of Hydrocarbon Reservoirs, Transport in Porous Media, 90 (2) , pp. 445-464, 2011. |
38 | S. Mohamadi, M. Masihi, M. H. Ghazanfari, Characterizing the Role of Shale Geometry and Connate Water Saturation on Performance of Polymer Flooding in Heavy Oil Reservoirs: Experimental Observations and Numerical Simulations,Transport in Porous Media, 91:973–998,(2012). |
39 | S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi, Water Flooding Performance Evaluation using percolation theory, Iranian Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 2, 19-23, 2011. |
40 | S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi, A. Shojaei, M. Pishvaei, P.R. King, Field scale characterization of geological formations using percolation theory, Transp Porous Med, 92 (2), 357-372, 2012. |
41 | S. Mohamadi, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat, Experimental Study of Miscible Displacement with Hydrocarbon Solvent in Shaly Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using Five-Spot Micromodels: The Role of Shale Geometrical Characteristics, Journal of Porous Media, 15 (5): 415–427 (2012). |
42 | A Maghzi, S Mohammadi, M H Ghazanfari, R Kharrat, M Masihi, Monitoring Wettability Alteration by Silica Nanoparticles during Water Flooding to Heavy Oils in Five-Spot Systems: A Pore-Level Investigation, Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science,40, 168-176, 2012. |
43 | S.Ehsan Samimi, Mohsen Masihi, S. Gerami, M. GanjehGhazvini, An Improvement on Modeling of Forced Gravity Drainage in Dual Porosity Simulations Using a New Matrix-Fracture Transfer Function, Transport in Porous Media, 94:207–223, 2012. |
44 | M. Yeganeh, M. Masihi, Fatholahi, S., Estimation of Formation Permeability in a Carbonate Reservoir Using Artificial Neural Network,Petroleum Science and Technology, 30(10), 1021-1030, 2012. |
45 | Mohsen Masihi, Masood Sobhani, Adel Al-Ajmi, Yahya Al-Wahaibi and Talal Al-Wahaibi, A physically based three dimensional fracture model, Scientia Iranica C, 19 (3), 594-604, 2012. |
46 | P. A. Mirzaei, K. Dalavand, I. Orakikoshour, Masihi, M, Moghadasi, J, Study on Key Influential Factors of Gas Reservoir's Potential for Aqueous Phase Trapping, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 34:1541–1549, 2012. |
47 | M. Parvazdavani, M. Masihi and M.H. Ghazanfari, Gas-Oil Relative Permeability at Near Miscible Conditions: An Experimental and Modeling Approach, Scientia Iranica C, 20, pp. 626-636, 2013. |
48 | M. Saidian and M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat, Experimental investigation of the effects of fracture physical properties on the development of fingers in heavy oil fractured reservoir during miscibility conditions (in Persian),Iranian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, 30(4), 2011. |
49 | Hadi Jabari, Ahmad Ramazani S.A, Mohsen Masihi, Experimental Study on Polymer-Surfactant Effects on Enhance Oil Recovery from Dead-End, Journal of American Science, 8(3),34-39, 2012. |
50 | Gholinezhad S, M Masihi, A Physical-based Model on Permeability/Porosity Relationship for Southern Iranian Carbonate Reservoirs Rock Data, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas: Science and Technology (IJOGST), vol(1), no. 1, 25-36, 2012. |
51 | Tavakkoli, M., Kharrat, R., Masihi, M., Ghazanfari, M.H., Fadaei, S., Phase Behavior Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation for Heavy Crudes: A Promising Tool Along with Experimental Data, Int . J. Thermophys, 33:2251–2266, 2012. |
52 | S. Mohammadi, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, S. Vossoughi, Effect of Small Scale Flow Barriers Heterogeneities and Connate Water on Displacement Efficiency of Polymer Floods to Heavy Oil Reservoirs, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 9999:1–12, 2013. |
53 | S. Jahanbakhshi, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, Non-Equilibrium Model of Three-Phase Flow in Porous Media in Presence of Capillary and Gravity Forces, Journal of Hydrology, 478, 119-131, 2013. |
54 | S. Mohamadi, A. Maghzi, M. H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, A. Mohebbi and R. Kharrat, On the Control of Glass Micro-model Characteristics Developed by Laser Technology, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental, 35(3), 193-201, 2013. |
55 | Farzad Bashtani, S. Ayatollahi, Ali Habibi, Mohsen Masihi, Permeability Reduction of Membranes during Particulate Suspension Flow; Analytical Micro Model of Size Exclusion Mechanism, Journal of Membrane Science, 435: 155–164, 2013. |
56 | S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi, M. Pishvaie, P. R. King, Rock Type Connectivity Estimation Using Percolation Theory, Mathematical Geosciences, 45:321-340, 2013. |
57 | H. Darabi and M Masihi, Well Placement Optimization Using Hybrid Optimization Technique Combined with Fuzzy Inference System, Petroleum Science and Technology, 31(5): 481-491, 2013. |
58 | Parvazdavani M, M. Masihi, Saeid Abasi, Abas Shahrabadi, Ezatollah Kazemzadeh, Determination of relative permeability functions from oil-gas displacement under near miscibility conditions, Petroleum Research (in Persian), 23(74), 57-71, 2013. |
59 | Saman Jahanbakhshi, Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari, and Mohsen Masihi, Non-Equilibrium Model of Gravity Drainage in a Single Block, Accepted for publication in Journal of Porous Media, 16(6), 559-571, 2013. |
60 | Mirzaei-Paiaman A., M. Masihi, Scaling equations for oil/gas recovery from fractured porous media by counter-current spontaneous imbibition: from development to application, Energy and Fuels, 27(8), 4662-4676, 2013. |
61 | Sedaghat M H, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi, Simultaneous/Sequential Alkaline-Surfactant-Polymer Flooding in Fractured/Non-Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs, Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 92: 918-927, 2014. |
62 | Sedaghat M H, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi, D Rashtchian, Experimental and Numerical Investigation of Polymer Flooding in Fractured Heavy Oil Five-Spot Systems, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 108, 370-380, 2013. |
63 | Kianoush AlborziSibaki, Mohsen Masihi, Seyed Jamal Sheikh Zakariaee, Analysis of core scale fracture network using fractal geometries, Journal of American Science, 9(4), 2013. |
64 | Foroughi, Sajjad ; Jamshidi, Saeid ; Masihi, Mohsen Lattice Boltzmann method on quadtree grids for simulating fluid flow through porous media: A new automatic algorithm, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications, vol 392(20), 4772-4786 , 2013. |
65 | Balouchi S., S. Moradi, M. Masihi, and A. Erfaninia, A Novel Combinatorial Approach to Discrete Fracture Network Modeling in Heterogeneous Media, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas: Science and Technology, Vol. 2, No. 1, pp. 42-56, 2013. |
66 | Gholinezhad S, M Masihi, A fast simulated annealing algorithm for fracture network modeling in fractured reservoirs, Petroleum Research (in Persian), Vol 80, 4-18, 2015. |
67 | Sadeghnejad S., M. Masihi, P. R. King, Dependency of percolation critical exponents on the exponent of power law size distribution, Physica A, 392(24), 6189-6197, 2013. |
68 | Ata Movahed, M Masihi, A Hashemi, Evaluation of petrophysical parameters of Upper Sarvak formation in an oil field, (in Persian), Applied Geology, 9 : 149-161, 2013. |
69 | Saber Mohammadi, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi, Pore-Level Screening Study on Miscible/Immiscible Displacements in Heterogeneous Models, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 110, 40-54, 2013. |
70 | Dehghan A. A., M. Masihi, S. Ayatollahi, Evaluation of Chemicals Interaction with Heavy Crude Oil through Water/Oil Emulsion and Interfacial Tension Study, Energy and Fuels, 27 (10), pp 5852-5860, 2013. |
71 | Kakouei A.A., M. Masihi, M Shirani, The application of RBF and PNN neural networks in facies determination in one of the gas fields in the south of Iran, Accepted for publication in Geoscience Archive, Geological Survey of Iran (in Persian), 21(84), 152-149, 2012. |
72 | S.E. Samimi, and M. Masihi, An Improvement of Matrix-Fracture Transfer Function in Free Fall Gravity Drainage, Petroleum Science and Technology, 31:2612-2620, 2013. |
73 | M. Saidian, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat, Monitoring the Role of Fracture Geometrical Characteristics on Fingering Initiation/Development during Heavy Oil Miscible Displacements in Fractured Porous Media, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental, 35(12), 1129 – 1139, 2013. |
74 | Mirzaei-Paiaman, M. Masihi and D. C. Standnes,Index for Characterizing Wettability of Reservoir Rocks based on Spontaneous Imbibition Recovery Data, Energy and Fuels, 27, 7360-7368, 2013. |
75 | A. Hemmati-Sarapardeh, S. Ayatollahi, M.H. Ghazanfari, and M Masihi, Experimental Determination of Interfacial Tension and Miscibility of the CO2-Crude Oil System; Temperature, Pressure, and Composition Effects, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 59 (1), pp 61–69, 2014. |
76 | Goshtasp Cheraghian, Mahmood Hemmati, Mohsen Masihi and Saeed Bazgir, An experimental investigation of the enhanced oil recovery and improved performance of drilling fluids using titanium dioxide and fumed silica nanoparticles, Journal of Nanostructure in Chemistry, 3 (1):78 , 1-9, 2013. |
77 | Mirzaei-Paiaman, M. Masihi, Scaling of Recovery by Co-Current Spontaneous Imbibition inFractured Petroleum Reservoirs, Energy Technol.2, 166 - 175, 2014. |
78 | A. Sadeghi Boogar, S. Gerami and M. Masihi, M., New Modification on Production Data of Gas Condensate Reservoirs for Rate Transient Analysis, Petroleum Science and Technology, 32(5), 543-554, 2014. |
79 | S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi, M. Pishvaei A. Shojaei, P.R. King, , Estimating Connected Volume of Hydrocarbon During Early Reservoir Life by Percolation Theory, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36, 3 pp. 301-308, 2014. |
80 | S. Bahrami Kashkooli,M.Masihi, M.R.Pishvaei, Dynamic Optimization of Water flood Reservoirs with Variational Approach, Petroleum Science and Technology, 32:289-296, 2014. |
81 | M. Saidian, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, R. Kharrat, S. Mohammadi, An Experimental Study of the Matrix-Fracture Interaction during MiscibleDisplacement in Fractured Porous Media: A Micromodel Study, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36:259–266, 2014. |
82 | SeyedMohammadJavad Majidi, Amin Shokrollahi, Milad Arabloo, Ramin Mahdikhani-Soleymanloo, Mohsen Masihi, Evolving an accurate model based on machine learning approach for prediction of dew-point pressure in gas condensate reservoirs,Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 92(5), 891-902, 2014. |
83 | Rouhollah Ahmadi, M Masihi, M R Rasaei, K Eskandaridalvand, R Shahalipour, A sensitivity study of FILTERSIM algorithm when applied to DFN modeling, J. Petrol Explor Prod Technol, 4(2), 153-174, 2014. |
84 | Ganjeh-Ghazvini, M Masihi, M. Ghaedi, Random Walk-Percolation Based Modeling of Two Phase Flow in Porous Media: Breakthrough Time and Net to Gross Ratio Estimation, Physica A, 406, 214-221, 2014. |
85 | ShojaadiniArdakany M., S. R Shadizadeh, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat, M. H Ghazanfari, An Approach for Estimation of Dynamic Imbibition Capillary Pressure Curves, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36(9),1007-1017, 2014. |
86 | Bamzad V., M. Nourani, S.A.Ramazani, M. Masihi, Experimental investigation of flooding hydrolyzed -sulfonated polymers for EOR process in a carbonate reservoir, Petroleum Science and Technology, 32(9), 1114-1122, 2014. |
87 | Mohamadi S., R. Kharrat, M. Masihi, and H. Ghazanfari, Monitoring the Effect of Discontinuous Shales on the Surfactant Flooding Performance in Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using 2D Glass Micromodels, Petroleum Science and Technology, 32(12), 1404-1417, 2014. |
88 | Farzaneh Moeini., A. Hemmati-Sarapardeh, M.H. Ghazanfari, and M Masihi, S. Ayatollahi,, Towards Mechanistic Understanding of Heavy Crude Oil/Brine Interfacial Tension: the Roles of Salinity, Temperature and Pressure" ,Fluid Phase Equilibria, 375 (2014) 191–200. |
89 | Seyed Hamed Haji Seyedi, Saeid Jamshidi, Mohsen Masihi, A novel method for prediction of parameters of naturally fractured condensate reservoirs using pressure response analysis, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 19, 13-22, 2014. |
90 | Mohammad Tavakkoli, Vahid Taghikhan, Mahmoud Reza Pishvaie, Mohsen Masihi, Sai R. Panuganti, and Walter G. Chapman, Investigation of Oil-Asphaltene Slurry Rheological Behavior , Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology35(8), 1155-1162, 2014. |
91 | Ardakany M. S., S. R Shadizadeh, M. Masihi, A New Scaling Relationship for Water Imbibition into the Matrix: Considering Fracture Flow, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36(12), 1267-1275, 2014. |
92 | Abdolhossein Hemmati-Sarapardeh, Shahab Ayatollahi, Ali Zolghadr, Mohammad-Hossein Ghazanfari, and Mohsen Masihi, Experimental Determination of Equilibrium Interfacial Tension for Nitrogen-Crude Oil during the Gas Injection Process: The Role of Temperature, Pressure, and Composition, J. Chem. Eng. Data, 59(11), 3461-3469, 2014. |
93 | Rahimi R, Bageri M, M Masihi and Zakaria J., Permeability estimation using experimental models and ANN mehod in a Carbonate Reservoir in South of Iran, Exploration and Production Journal, 114, 2014 (Persian). |
94 | Aliakbar Kakouei, Mohsen Masihi, Behnam Sedaee Sola, Ebrahim Biniaz, Lithological facies identification in Iranian largest gas field: A comparative study of neural network methods, Journal of the Geological Society of India, 84 (3) pp 326-334, 2014. |
95 | Tavakoli M., M.H. Ghazanfari M. Masihi, and R. Kharrat, Phase Behavior Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation for Heavy Crude Including the Effect of Pressure and Temperature,Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36(19) 2087-2094, 2014. |
96 | Goshtasp Cheraghian, Seyyed Shahram Khalili Nezhad, Mosayyeb Kamari, Mahmood Hemmati, Mohsen Masihi, Saeed Bazgir, Adsorption polymer on reservoir rock and role of the nanoparticles, clay and SiO2, International Nano Letters, 4(3), 1-8, 2014. |
97 | Mohammad Parvazdavani, Mohsen Masihi, Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari, Monitoring the influence of Dispersed Nano-Particles on Oil-Water Relative Permeability Hysteresis, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 124, 222–231, 2014. |
98 | Maryam Ghorbani, Mohammad Khorsand, Mohsen Masihi Investigating the effect of heterogeneity on Buckley-Leverett flow model, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas: Science and Technology (IJOGST), Vol 3 (4), 41-54, 2014. |
99 | Mirzaei A., Masihi, Investigation of formation damage from Aqueous Phase Trapping In Gas Reservoir, Exploration and Production (Persian), 96, 75-82, 2012. |
100 | Goshtasp Cheraghian, Khalilinejad, Kamari, Mahmood Hemmati, Mohsen Masihi and Saeed Bazgir, Effect of nano clay on improved rheology properties of polyacrylamide used in enhanced oil recovery, J. Petrol Explor Prod Technol, 5(2), 189-196, 2015. |
101 | Goshtasp Cheraghian, Saeed Bazgir, Mohsen Masihi, Mahmood Hemmati, Application of Tio2 and fumed nano particles on improved performance of drilling fluids,Exploration and Production(Persian), 106, 21-26,2013. |
102 | Raufi M.H., M. Masihi, N. Keshavarz and T. Behrouz, Statistical Analysis of the Added Value by Intelligent Well Application under Reservoir Uncertainty, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 36(22), 2449-2457, 2014. |
103 | M.Mirzaee, M.Masihi, A.Tavassoli and A.Emamzadeh, Sensitivity analysis of technical and economical parameters for gas injection projects with oil reservoir integration model, BOTHALIA Journal, 44 (5), 231-242, 2014. |
104 | M. Mirzaee, M.Masihi, A.Tavassoli and A.Emamzadeh, Oil reservoirs integration with technical and economical analysis of gas injection projects, Pensee Journal, 76(1), 425-431, 2014. |
105 | Mojtaba Ghaedi, Mohsen Masihi, Zoltán E. Heinemann, Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari, History Matching of Naturally Fractured Reservoirs Based on the Recovery Curve Method, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 126, 211-221, 2015. |
106 | Mojtaba Ghaedi, Mohsen Masihi, Zoltán E. Heinemann, Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari, Application of the Recovery Curve Method for Evaluation of Matrix-Fracture Interactions,Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, 22, 447-458, 2015. |
107 | Dehghan, Ali Akbar; Masihi, Mohsen; Ayatollahi, Shahab, ”Interfacial Tension and Wettability Change Phenomena during Alkali-Surfactant Interactions with Acidic Heavy Crude Oil, Energy and Fuels, 29 (2), pp 649-658, 2015. |
108 | Dehghan, Ali Akbar; Masihi, Mohsen; Ayatollahi, Shahab ”Studying the mechanistic behavior of heavy oil displacement using a group of Alkalis and surfactant mixtures, Chemical Engineering Communications, 202(3), 366-374, 2015. |
109 | Mojtaba Ghaedi, Mohsen Masihi, Zoltán E. Heinemann, M H Ghazanfari, Using the Recovery Curve Method for insitu wettability determination in a fractured porous medium, DOI 10.1002/entre. 201402193, Energy Technology, 3, 1-10, 2015. |
110 | HR Nasriani, E Asadi, M Nasin, L Khajenoon and M Masihi, Challenges of fluid phase behavior modeling in Iranian Retrograde gas condensate reservoirs, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37(6), 663-669, 2015. |
111 | Dehghan ,Masihi; Ayatollahi, Phase Behavior and Interfacial Tension Evaluation of a Newly Designed Surfactant on Heavy Oil Displacement Efficiency; Effects of Salinity, Wettability, and Capillary Pressure, Fluid Phase Equilibria, 396, 20-27, 2015. |
112 | Mohammad-Javad Shojaei, Ghazanfari, Masihi, Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Curves for Low Salinity Water Flooding in Sandstone Rocks, Journal of Natural Gas Science & Engineering, vol 25, 30-38, 2015. |
113 | GanjehGhazviniM, M Masihi, M Baghalha,, Study of Heterogeneity Loss in Upscaling of Geological Maps by Introducing a Cluster-Based Heterogeneity Number, Physica A., 436, 1-13, 2015. |
114 | Ahmadzadeh P. H., M. Masihi, A. Al-Ajmi, T. Al-Wahaibi and Y. Al-Wahaibi, Experimental study of the effects of IFT and hysteresis on resistivity and capillary pressure of carbonate rocks, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects, 37 (12), pages 1346-1353, 2015. |
115 | Mohammad Saki, M Masihi and SR Shadizadeh, An Improved Mathematical Model for Mass Transfer in Fractured Reservoir during Gas Injection Process, Scientia Iranica C, 22 (3), 955-966, 2015. |
116 | Elham Mortezavi, M Masihi, MH Ghazanfari, An influence of polymer-alkaline and nano particle as chemical additives on the immiscible displacement and phase relative permeability, IJOGST, 5(3), 14-31, 2016. |
117 | Benyamin Saedi, S Ayatollahi, M Masihi, Free Fall andControlled Gravity Drainage Processes in Fractured Porous Media;Laboratory and Modeling Investigation, The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 93(12), 2286-2297, 2015. |
118 | Mehranfar Amin, MH Ghazanfari, M Masihi and D Rashtchian, Macroscopic and microscopic investigation of ASP flooding in heavy oil recovery using five spot micromodels: the effect of shale geometry and connate water saturation, Journal of Porous Media, 18(8), 745-762, 2016. |
119 | Kourosh Mahjour, M K Ghasem Al-Askari and M Masihi, Flow unit verification, using statistical zonation and application of stratigraphic modified Lorenz plot in Tabnak gas field, Egyptian Journal of Petroleum (EGYJP), 25(2) 215-220, 25,doi:10.1016/j.ejpe.2015.05.018, 2015. |
120 | Bahmanabadi H.R, M. Hemmati, Shariatpanah H., Masihi M, KaramBeigi M.S., Phase Behavior and Rheology of Emulsions in Alkaline/co-solvent/crude oil/brine system, Petroleum Science and Technology, 34 (3), 207-215, 2016. |
121 | MahmoodpourS., M. Masihi, S. Gholinejad, Comparison of Simulated Annealing, genetic and Tabu search Algorithm for fracture network modeling, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas: Science and Technology (IJOGST), 4(2), 50-67, 2015. |
122 | Ghaedi M; Z E. Heinemann; M Masihi; M H Ghazanfari, An Efficient Method for Determining Capillary Pressure and Relative Permeability Curves from Spontaneous Imbibition Data, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 4 (3), 1-17, 2015. |
123 | Mahjour K, M K Ghasem Al-Askari and M Masihi, Identification of flow units using methods of Testerman statisticalzonation, flow zone index, and cluster analysis in Tabnaak gasfield, J Petrol Explor Prod Technol, 6(4), 577-592, 2016. |
124 | Hemmati-SarapardehAbdolhossein,M-H Ghazanfari,S Ayatollahi and M Masihi, Accurate Determination of the CO2-Crude Oil MinimumMiscibility Pressure of Pure and Impure CO2 Streams:A Robust Modelling Approach, THE CANADIAN JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERING, 94 (2), 253-261, 2016. |
125 | GanjehGhazvini M, M Masihi, M Baghalha,Effect of ConnectivityMisrepresentation on Accuracy of Upscaled Models in Oil Recovery by CO2 Injection, Greenhouse Gases: Science and Technology, DOI: 10.1002/ghg.15672016. |
126 | Hamidpour Esmaeil, A Mirzaei-Paiaman, M Masihi, B Harimi, Experimental study of some important factors on nonwetting phase recovery by cocurrent spontaneous imbibition, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 27, 1213-1228, 2015. |
127 | Bagheri Mahmood and M Masihi, Investigating the effect of heterogeneity on infill wells, J Petrol Explor Prod Technol, 6(3) 451-463, 2016. |
128 | Mirzaei-Paiaman A., Hadi Saboorian-Jooybari, M Masihi, Incorporation of viscosity scaling group into analysis of MPMS index for laboratory characterization of wettability of reservoir rocks, J Petrol Explor Prod Technol, 7(1), 205-216, 2017. |
129 | Tavagh-Mohammadi B., M. Masihi, M. Ganjeh-Ghazvini, Point-to-Point Connectivity Prediction in Porous Media Using Percolation Theory, Physica A: 460, 304-313, 2016. |
130 | Mahmoodpour S., M. Masihi, An improved simulated annealing algorithm in fracture network modeling, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 33, 538-550, doi:10.1016/j.jngse.2016.05.056, 2016. |
131 | M. Masihi, P. A. Gago, P. R. King, Estimation of the Effective Permeability of Heterogeneous Porous Media by Using Percolation Concepts, Transport in Porous Media, 114(1) 169-199, 2016. |
132 | Sadeghnejad S. and Masihi M, Point to point continuum percolation in two dimensions, Journal of Statistical Mechanics, Theory and experiment, vol(10), 103210, 2016. |
133 | Sepideh Maaref, Shahab Ayatollahi, Nima Rezaei, Mohsen Masihi, The Effect of Dispersed Phase Salinity on Water-in-Oil Emulsion Flow Performance: A Micromodel Study" Journal: Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 56 (15), 4549-4561, 2017. |
134 | Sadeghnejad S. and Masihi M, Analysis of a More Realistic Well Representation during Secondary Recovery in 3-D Continuum Models, Computational Geosciences 21 (5-6), 1035-1048, 2017. |
135 | Ali Akbar Dehghan, Adel Jadaly, Shahab Ayatollahi, Mohsen Masihi, "Acidic Heavy Oil Recovery Using a New Formulated Surfactant Accompanying Alkali-Polymer in High Salinity Brines", Journal of Surfactants and Detergents, vol 20(3), 725-733, 2017. |
136 | Rahimi Rezvan, Bageri M, M Masihi, Characterization and estimation of reservoir properties in one of the carbonate reservoirs using geostatiscs, Exploration and Production Journal, 126, 2016 (Persian). |
137 | Foroughi Sajjad, Mohsen Masihi, Saeid Jamshidi and Mahmoud Reza Pishvaie, Interrelation between Static-dynamic Properties of Percolation-based Porous Media using lattice Boltzmann, Journal of Porous Media, 20(10):899-919, 2017. |
138 | Amir Hossein Hassani, Maziar Veyskarami, M Masihi Adel M. Al-Ajmi, A modified method for predicting the stresses around producing boreholes in an isotropic in-situ stress field, International Journal of Rock Mechanics and Mining Sciences, vol 96, 85-93, 2017. |
139 | Masihi M., EOR methods in oil and gas reservoirs (Persian), Encyclopedia of Energy, www.iecf.ir, 2017. |
140 | Mohammadi Alamooti A., M. H. Ghazanfari,, M Masihi, Investigating the Relative Permeability Behavior in Presence of Capillary Effects in Composite Core Systems, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 160, 341-350, 2018. |
141 | Iman jafari, mohsen masihi, and Masoud Nasiri Zarandi "Numerical simulation of counter-current spontaneous imbibition in a water-wet fractured porous media; influences of water injection velocity, fracture aperture and grains geometry", Physics of Fluids, 29 (11), 113305, 2017. |
142 | Iman jafari, mohsen masihi, and Masoud Nasiri Zarandi "Experimental study on imbibition displacement mechanisms of two-phase fluid using micromodel: Fracture network, distribution of pore size, and matrix construction, Physics of Fluids, Physics of Fluids 29 (12), 122004, 2017. |
143 | Jafari I, M Masihi, M Nasiri " Scaling of counter-current imbibition recovery curves using artificial neural networks, Journal of Geophysics and Engineering, 15(3), 1062-1070, 2018. |
144 | Rezvan Rahimi, Mahmoud Bagheri, Mohsen Masihi, Characterization and estimation of reservoir properties in a carbonate reservoir in Southern Iran by fractal methods, Journal of Petroleum Exploration and Production Technology, 8(1), 31-41, 2018. |
145 | Farzad Barzegar, M. AzadiTabar and M Masihi, New method in creation and clustering of pore networks of a porous medium, Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics, 3(2), 2019, DOI: 10.22107/JPG.2019.159974.1077.2019 (in Persian). |
146 | Farzad Barzegar, and M Masihi, A New method in extracting the pore network model from 3D CT-scans, Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics, 2018 (in Persian). |
147 | Behrouz Harimi, Mohsen Masihi, Abouzar Mirzaei-Paiaman, Esmaeil Hamidpour, Experimental study of dynamic imbibition during water flooding of naturally fractured reservoirs, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, 174, 1-13, 2019. |
148 | Behrouz Harimi, Mohsen Masihi, Mohammad Hosein Ghazanfari, Characterization of Liquid Bridge in Gas/Oil Gravity Drainage in Fractured Reservoirs, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology, 8(2), 73-91, 2019. |
149 | Iman jafari, Masoud Nasiri Zarandi mohsen masihi, " An Analytical Solution for 1-D horizontal imbibition in co-current flow, Iranian Journal of Oil & Gas Science and Technology, vol 8, 3, 40-57, 2019. |
150 | E Kamari, S Mohammadi, MM Mohammadi, M Masihi, Prediction of two-phase compressibility factor in gas condensate reservoirs using genetic algorithm approach, International Journal of Oil, Gas and Coal Technology 20 (3), 266-281, 2019. |
151 | M.S. Safavi, M.Masihi, A.A.Safekordi,, S.S.Ayatollahi, S.Sadeqnejad , Effect of SO4-2 ion exchanges and initial water saturation on low salinity water flooding (LSWF) in the dolomite reservoir rocks, Journal of Dispersion Science and Technology, 41(6), 841-855, 2020. |
152 | A Movahhed, MN Bidhendi, M Masihi, A Emamzadeh, Introducing a method for calculating water saturation in a carbonate gas reservoir, Journal of Natural Gas Science and Engineering, 70, 102942, 2019. |
153 | Ali Shakouri, Oveis Farzay, Mohsen Masihi, MH Ghazanfari, AM Al-Ajmi, An experimental investigation of dynamic elastic moduli and acoustic velocities in heterogeneous carbonate oil reservoirs, SN Applied Sciences, 1(9), 1023, 2019. |
154 | M.S. Safavi, M.Masihi, A.A.Safekordi,, S.S.Ayatollahi, S.Sadeqnejad , Investigation of rock and fluid interactions during engineered water flooding in dolomite reservoir rocks, Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects , 1-19, doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2020.1734690 |
155 | Hamed Movahedi, Mehrdad Vasheghani Farahani and Mohsen Masihi, Development of a Numerical Model for Single and Two Phase Flow Simulation in Perforated Porous Media, Journal of Energy Resources Technology, Vol. 142 (4), 042901-1, 2020. |
156 | Sara Shokrollahzadeh, M Masihi, MH Ghazanfari, P.King, Effect of characteristic time on scaling of breakthrough time distribution for two-phase displacement in percolation porous media", Transport in Porous Media, 130 (3), 889-902, 2019. |
157 | Behrouz Harimi, Mohammad Hosein Ghazanfari, Mohsen Masihi, Modeling of Capillary Pressure in Horizontal Rough-Walled Fractures in the Presence of Liquid Bridges, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, Volume 185, February 2020, 10664 |
158 | Khadijeh FathiZahed and M Masihi, Analysis of Gaussian and truncated Gaussian methods for simulation of depositional environments, Exploration and Production Journal, 162, 60-66, 2018 (Persian). |
159 | M Nasiri , Jafari I, M Masihi,B ParnianKoo, Prediction of flow behavior in a dual porosity medium using Stephest algorithm and superposition, Exploration and Production Journal, 138, 67-71, 2016 (Persian). |
160 | R Shams, M Masihi, RB Boozarjomehry, MJ Blunt, Coupled generative adversarial and auto-encoder neural networks to reconstruct three-dimensional multi-scale porous media, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering 186 (2020) 106794 |
161 | Mehdi Khoshnodkia, MohammadHossein Adabi, Mahbobeh HosseiniBarzi, M Masihi, The relation of Diagnesis, fracturing, matrix porosity distribution and well production in Ahwaz Bangastan reservoir, Iranian Geology , 13 (51), 17-30, 2019. |
162 | Jafari I, M Nasiri M Masihi, Simulation and study of remedy methods for water conning effects on environment in a gas field, Exploration and Production Journal, 176, 22-17, 2020 (Persian). |
163 | Behrouz Harimi, M Masihi, M H Ghazanfari, An Insight into the Formation of Liquid Bridge and Its Role on Fracture Capillary Pressure During Gravity Drainage in Fractured Porous Media", The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering, 99, S212-S231 . 2020, https://doi.org/10.1002/cjce.23988 |
164 | F Barzegar, M Masihi, Mohammad Azadi Tabar, A Rigorous Algebraic-Analytical Method for Pore Network Extraction from Micro-Tomography Images, Journal of Hydrology, 590, 125561, 2020. |
165 | A Movahhed, MN Bidhendi, M Masihi, A Emamzadeh, Estimation of permeability of gas carbonates using NMR-FZI Stonely, (in Persian), Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics, 3(4),26-43, 2020, 10.22107/JPG.2020.206616.1112 |
166 | Emad SiadatiFar, Mobeen Fatemi, M Masihi, Pore Scale Visualization of Fluid-Fluid and Rock-Fluid Interactions during Low-Salinity Waterflooding in Carbonate and Sandstone Representing Micromodels, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol 198, 108156, 2021. |
167 | Elahe Shahrian, M Masihi, Analysis of well testing results for single phase flow in reservoirs with percolation structure, Oil & Gas Science and Technology-RRevue d'IFP Energies Nouvelles, 76, 15, 2021. |
168 | A. MirzaeiPiaman and M Masihi, R Roganian A review on analytical scaling approaches of counter current imbibition in fractured reservoirs, Petroleum Research (in Persian), 30(112), 21-33, 2020. 0.3934.2020.pr/22078.10: D |
169 | Behrouz Harimi, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi, Analysis of Evaporating Liquid Bridge in Horizontal Fractures, Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, vol 202, 108577, 2021. |
170 | R Shams, M Masihi, RB Boozarjomehry, MJ Blunt, A Hybrid of Statistical and Conditional Generative Adversarial Neural Network Approaches for Reconstruction of 3D Porous Media (ST-CGAN), accepted for publication in Advances in Water Resources, 2021. |
171 | S. Khosravi, M. Masihi and A Nekhei, Investigating the effects of ASP process on oil recovery in heterogeneous reservoirs, (in Persian) Petroleum Research, 2021, PR-2105-3038 |
172 | P. King, M. Masihi, Percolation in porous media, in: M. Sahimi, A. G. Hunt (Eds.), Complex media and percolation theory, 1st Edition, Encyclopedia of complexity and systems science series, Springer, New York, NY, 2021, pp. 237-254. doi:10.1007/978-1-0716-1457-0_389. |
173 | Hossein Barati, M. Masihi, S Jamshidi, Characterization of the amount of swept fraction (i.e. backbone) and unswept fraction (i.e. dangling ends) between two wells in presence of reservoir anisotropy, Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 2021, JPST-2105-1726 (R2) |
174 | R Shams, M Masihi, P. King, Pore Level Characterization of Micro-CT Images Using Percolation Theory, accepted for publication in Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering, , 2022. |
175 | A Mahmoodzadeh, M Fatemi and M. Masihi, Microfluidics Experimental Investigation of the Mechanisms of Enhanced Oil Recovery by Low Salinity Water Flooding in Fractured Porous Media, accepted for publication in Fuel, vol 314, 2022. |
176 | B. Harimi and M Masihi, Investigation of the effect of fracture capillary pressure on gas-oil gravity drainage in a porous fractured medium, Oil and Gas Exploration and Production(in persian), No. 195, 37-43, 2022 |
177 | Sara Shokrollahzadeh, M Masihi, MH Ghazanfari, Effect of viscosity ratio of injection fluid and reservoir fluid on prediction of breakthrough time using percolation concepts, Journal of Petroleum Research 32 (1401-4), 3-16 |
178 | Sadegh Dahim, B Harimi, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi , Analysis of liquid bridge characteristics in a horizontal fracture: critical fracture aperture and fracture capillary pressure, accepted for publication in Journal of Petroleum Science and Technology, 2022. JPST-2112-1772 |
179 | M Shirazi, M Masihi, H Mahani, Y Tamsilian, Impact of Temperature and Etching Methods on Surface Roughness, Topography, and Composition of Glass Micromodels, Energy & Fuels 36 (23), 14066-14078 |
180 | Mohammad Rezaee, Mohsen Masihi and Hassan Mahani, Theoretical and Conceptual Investigation of the Effect of Pore Water Chemistry on Formation Breakdown Pressure Estimation using Conventional Models in Hydraulic Fracturing Operation, Journal of Petroleum Geomechanics, 6 (1), 40-51 (in Persian) |
181 | Mahsa Shirazi; Hassan Mahani; Yousef Tamsilian; Ann Muggeridge; Mohsen Masihi, Full Life Cycle Review of Water-Based CEOR Methods from Pre-Injection to Post-Production, accepted for publication in Fuel, JFUE-D-23-02556R1, 2023 |
Mohsen Masihi
1 | Fracture Network Connectivity: Finite Size Scaling for Isotropic/Anisotropic Systems, M Masihi, P.R. King, Presented as a poster at GRC (Flow and Transport in Permeable Media), Queen's College, Oxford University, UK, 11-16 July, 2004. |
2 | Fracture Network Modelling: A Stochastic Approach Using Simulated Annealing Algorithm, M Masihi, P R King., Presented as a poster at GRC (Flow and Transport in Permeable Media,Queen's College, Oxford University, UK, 11-16 July, 2004. |
3 | Fast Estimation of Performance Parameters in Fractured Reservoirs Using Percolation Theory, M. Masihi, P.R. King and P.R. Nurafza. Presented at the 14th Europec Biennial Conference, Madrid, Spain, June 13-16, 2005 (SPE 94186). |
4 | Uncertainty Prediction in Fractured Reservoirs Using Percolation Approach, M. Masihi and P.R. King, Presented at the Petroleum Geosciences Collaboration Conference, London, UK, 01 Dec., 2005. |
5 | Connectivity Prediction in Fractured Reservoirs with Variable Fracture Size; Analysis and Validation, M Masihi, P.R. King and P Nurafza, Presented at the SPE Europec,Vienna, Austria, June 12-15,2006 (SPE 100229). |
6 | Facies Connectivity Modelling; Analysis and Field Study, P Nurafza, P R King and M Masihi, Presented at the SPE Europec,Vienna, Austria, June 12-15, 2006 (SPE 100333). |
7 | Connectivity of Fracture Networks: The Effects of Anisotropy and Spatial Correlation, M. Masihi, P.R. King and P. Nurafza, Presented at the Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI) conference,Copenhagen, Denmark, June 19-22, 2006 (CMWR XVI-99). |
8 | Connectivity Modeling of Heterogeneous Systems: Analysis and Field Study, P. Nurafza, M Masihi and P.R. King, Presented at the Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVI) Conference, Copenhagen, Denmark, June 19-22, 2006 (CMWR XVI-189). |
9 | Connectivity of Spatially Correlated Fractures: Simulation and Field Studies, M. Masihi and P King, presented at the SPE Europec, London, UK, June 11-14, 2007 (SPE 107132). |
10 | Coarse Grid Generation Based on Vorticity for Reservoir Flow Simulation: Extension to Unstructured grid, M. Evazi, M. Mahani, M. Masihi and K. Hejranfar, Proceeding of the 5th IChEC Conference, p 339, Kish, Iran, January 2-5, 2008. |
11 | Reservoir Connectivity of Overlapping Ellipsoid Sandbodies, S. Sadeghnejad and M Masihi, Proceeding of the 5th IChEC Conference, p 308, Kish, Iran, January 2-5, 2008. |
12 | Application of Percolation Theory in Determination of Conductivity Between Two Wells, F. Forouzanfar, S. Bazrafkan and M. Masihi, Proceeding of the 5th IChEC Conference, Kish, Iran, January 2-5, 2008. |
13 | Investigating the Effect of Capillary Continuity on the Performance of one of the Iranian Fractured Reservoir Producing Under Drainage and Immiscible Gas Injection, S. Razaagh Famian, M. Masihi, Proceeding of the second national petroleum engineering conference, Iran, Ahwaz, 29-30 Jan, 2008. |
14 | M. Evazi, H. Mahani, K. Hejranfar, M. Masihi,Vorticity-Based PEBI Grids for Improved Upscaling of Two Phase Flow, Presented at the SPE Europec, Rome, Italy, June 9-12, 2008 (SPE 113703). |
15 | Modeling of Connectivity in 3D Continuum Systems using Percolation Approach, A. Hajizadeh, M. Masihi, H. Jahangiri and P.R. King, Poster presentation at the Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVII) conference, San Francisco, California, July 6-10, 2008 (CMWR XVII-10). |
16 | An Iterative Facies Connectivity and Conductivity Modeling, S. Sadeghnejad, M Masihi, S. Bazrafkan, F. Frouzanfar, H Jahangiri and P R King, Poster presentation at the Computational Methods in Water Resources (CMWR XVII) conference, San Francisco, California, July 6-10, 2008 (CMWR XVII-1). |
17 | A Mathematical Model for Determination of Fracture Oil Saturation through Traveling Liquid Bridge Calculation, M. Dejam, M. Masihi, Oral presentation at the 1st National Iranian Fractured Reservoirs Development Congress, Ahwaz, Iran, Dec 3-4, 2008. |
18 | Specific Phenomena in Fractured Porous Media, M Masihi, Oral presentation at the 1st National Iranian Fractured Reservoirs Development Congress, Ahwaz, Iran, Dec 3-4, 2008. |
19 | Well Placement Optimization Using Hybrid Genetic Algorithm, H. Darabi, A. Kavosi, M. Masihi, F. Rashidi, Proceeding of the 12th Iranian Chemical Engineering Congress, Tabriz, Iran, Oct 20-23, 2008. |
20 | M. Rozbehani and M. Masihi, Geostatistical Modeling of Porosity and Permeability in Pars Gas Field, Presented at 12th Symposium of the Geological Society of Iran, National Iranian South Oil Company, Ahwaz, Iran.18-20 Feb.2009. |
21 | A. MirzaeiPaiaman, H. Al-Yami, B.D. Alanazi and M. Masihi, Improving Sand Production Control by a New Chemical Method, 4th National Conference of Geology and Environment, Tehran, 11-12 March, 2009. |
22 | A. MirzaeiPaiaman, and M. Masihi, Feasibility of EOR Methods in Fractured Carbonate Reservoirs, 4th National Conference of Geology and Environment, Tehran, 11-12 March, 2009. |
23 | M. Dejam and M. Masihi ,Formation of Traveling Liquid Bridges between Matrix Blocks: Modeling and Simulation,Oral presentation at the First International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (EAGE), Shiraz, Iran-4 - 6 May, 2009. |
24 | A. Oujie and M. Masihi, Geostatistical Modeling of Reservoir Properties in an Iranian Oil Field from Upper Bangestan Group, Southwest of Iran, Poster presentation at the First International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition(EAGE), Shiraz, Iran-4 - 6 May, 2009. |
25 | M. Yeganeh, M. Masihi and S. Fatholahi, Application of Artificial Neural Network for Estimation of Formation Permeability in an Iranian Reservoir, Poster presentation at the First International Petroleum Conference and Exhibition (EAGE), Shiraz, Iran-4 - 6 May, 2009. |
26 | S. Ghorbani, M. Masihiand A. Hashemi, Effect of Average Intersections per Line on Connectivity in Fractured Reservoirs, Using Percolation Theory, Poster presentation at the 71st EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June, 2009. |
27 | M. Tavakoli, R. Kharrat and M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, Phase Behavior Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation using an Improved Solid Model, Poster presentation at the 2nd Technical Conference of Thermodynamics, Tehran, Iran,11 May, 2009. |
28 | M. Tavakoli, R. Kharrat, M. Masihi and M.H. Ghazanfari, Prediction of Asphaltene Precipitation during Gas Injection in Heavy Crude Using Micellization Model with a New Approach, Poster presentation at the 71st EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, June, 2009. |
29 | M. Tavakoli, R. Kharrat, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari and Fadaei, Phase Behaviour Modeling of Asphaltene Precipitation for Heavy Crudes, Oral presentation at the 17th Symposium on Thermophysical Properties, Boulder, Colorado, June 21-26, 2009. |
30 | M. Tavakoli, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat, and M.H. Ghazanfari, Thermodynamic Modelling of Asphaltene Precipitation for Heavy Crude: A Comparative Study of Thermodynamic Micellization Model and Solid Model, Canadian International Petroleum Conference, Calgary, Alberta, Jun 16 – 18, 2009. |
31 | M. Fallah, M. Masihi and M. Momeni, Plateau extension of one of the Iranian south west fields oil production by different gas injection scenarios, Oral presentation at the 16th India Oil and Gas Review Summit (Symposium) and International Exhibition, Bandra Mumbai, India, 10-11 Sept., 2009. |
32 | M Dejam, M.H. Ghazanfari, and M. Masihi, Theoretical modeling of Reinfiltration process in naturally fractured reservoirs: A comparative study on traveling liquid bridges and continuum film flow approaches, Presented at 2009 SPE/EAGE Reservoir Characterization and simulation conference,Abu Dhabi. UAE, 19-21 Oct. 2009(SPE 125307). |
33 | M. Tavakoli, R. Kharrat, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari,Prediction of Asphaltene Precipitation under Gas Injection Condition Using Thermodynamic Micellization Model, Presentation at the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 16-20 Nov., 2009. |
34 | N. Mirjordavi, M. Masihi, L. Javanbakht, A New Generalized Model for Prediction of Two-Phase Relative Permeability: Water-Oil Experimental Results for Berea Sandstone, Presentation at the 6th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition Kish Island, Iran, 16-20 Nov., 2009. |
35 | Gerami, S. SadeghiBoogar, and M. Masihi, New Technique for Calculation of Gas Condensate Well Deliverability, Presentation at the 2010 SPE Deep Gas Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, 24-26 January,2010(SPE-130139) |
36 | M. Paiaman, J. Moghadasi, and M. Masihi, Formation Damage through Aqueous Phase Trapping In Gas Reservoirs,Presentation at the 2010 SPE Deep Gas Conference and Exhibition, Manama, Bahrain, 24-26 January, 2010(SPE-129637) |
37 | M. Masihi and L. Javanbakht,An Experimental Investigation of Three–phase Flow Through Water, Presented at the 72st EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June, 2010. |
38 | A. Zarei and M. Masihi,Permeability Modeling Using ANN and Collocated Cokriging,Presented at the 72st EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June, 2010. |
39 | S. Ghorbani, M. Masihi and A Hashemi,Utilization of Percolation Theory to Evaluate Conductivity of Fractured Reservoirs-Effect of Fracture Correlation Length, , Presented at the 72st EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Barcelona, Spain, 14-17 June, 2010. |
40 | A. MirzaeiPaiaman J. Moghadasi, M. Masihi, Petroleum Reservoir Formation Damage through Aqueous Phase Trapping: Investigating Effective Parameters on Severity of Phase Traps, 14th Intl. Oil, Gas and Petrochemical Congress, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry (RIPI), Tehran, Iran, May, 2010. |
41 | A. Mirzaei. Moghadasi J., Masihi M., Dalvand K. and Oraki I., A New Formula for Evaluation of Severity of Aqueous Phase Trapping in Oil Reservoirs, First International Applied Geological Congress, Mashhad, Iran, May 2010. |
42 | M. Mahmoodi, M. Masihi, S.R. Shadizadeh, R. Kamali and R. NasiriExperimental investigation of Henna powder as an addative to drilling fluid, ,presented at the 14th International Oil and Gas and Petrochemical Congress,Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, Tehran, 19-20 May, May 2010. |
43 | H. Dashtian, M. Masihi, M. Sahimi, G. R. Jafari,Detection of Boundary Layers Using Wavelet Transform, , presented at the 14th International Oil and Gas and Petrochemical Congress, Tehran, Research Institute of Petroleum Industry, 19-20 May, May 2010. |
44 | S. Mohammadi, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, R. Kharrat, Experimental study of miscible displacement with hydrocarbon solvent in shaly heavy oil reservoir using five spot micromodels: the effect of shale geometrical characteristics, Presentation at the 1st International Regional Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference,Kermanshah, Iran,25-28 Oct, 2010. |
45 | S. Mohammadi, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, R. Kharrat, S. Vossoughi, Polymer Flooding in Shaly heavy oil reservoirs: an experimental approach using five spot glass micromodel by introducing heterogeneity to represent streaks of shales, Presentation at the 1st International Regional Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference Kermanshah, Iran, 25-28 Oct, 2010. |
46 | S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi, M. Pishvaei,A. Shojaei, P.R. King, Reservoir Connectivity and permeability prediction: analysis and case study, Presentation at the 1st International Regional Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference,Kermanshah, Iran, 25-28 Oct, 2010. |
47 | M. Saidian, MH Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, R Kharrat,Experimental investigation of five spot injection/production well placement design based on fracture geometrical characteristics in heavy oil fractured reservoir during miscible displacements, Presentation at the 1st International Regional Chemical and Petroleum Engineering Conference Kermanshah, Iran, 25-28 Oct, 2010. |
48 | M. Rahimi, and M. Masihi,A. Ramazani,Simulation of Reservoir Future Performance in Polymer Flooding Process, A Case Study,, , Presentation at the Polymer Processing Society, 26th Annual Meeting (PPS-26) , Banff, Canada, July 2010. |
49 | S. Mohammadi, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, R. Kharrat,Experimental Study of Hydrocarbon Solvent Injection in Shaly Heavy OilReservoirs Using Five-Spot Micromodels: The Role of Shale Geometrical Characteristics, , Presentation at the 60th Canadian Chemical Engineering Conference, Saskatchewan, Canada, October 24-27, 2010. |
50 | S. Mohammadi, M. Masihi and M.H. Ghazanfari,On the Surfactant Flooding to Heavy Oil Reservoirs Influenced by Flow Barriers: An Experimental Study Using 2D Micromodel, , Presented at the 73rd EAGE Conference and Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 May, 2011. |
51 | S. Sadeghnejad, M. Masihi, P.R. King, A. Shojaei and M. Pishvaie,Estimating Reservoir Connectivity & Permeability During Early Reservoir Life by Percolation Theory and Case Study,, Presented at the 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 May, 2011. |
52 | M. Masihi and M.H. Raufi,Optimization of Flow Control with Intelligent Well Completions in a Channelized Thin Oil Rim, , Presented at the 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 May, 2011. |
53 | M. Saidian, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, R. Kharrat and A. Kianinejad,Iterative Coupled Experimental-numerical Evaluation of Dispersivity in Fractured Porous Media Using Micromodel System,,Presented at the 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 May, 2011. |
54 | A. Kianinejad, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, D. Rashtchian and M. Saidian,Visualization of the Displacement Mechanisms during Worm-like Surfactants Flooding in Heavy Oil Fractured 5-Spot Models, , Presented at the 73rd EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, Vienna, Austria, 24-27 May, 2011. |
55 | M Torkaman, S Morshedi, M Masihi , M H Ghazanfari and M H Sedaghat, Simulation of Microbial Enhanced Oil Recovery by Using Neural Networks, Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
56 | B Miri, S Gerami, M Masihi,Production Potential of Coalbed Methane (CBM) in IRAN, ,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
57 | S Morshedi, MH Sedaghat, D Rashtchian, M Masihi and M H Ghazanfari,Experimental Investigation of Impact of Heterogeneities in Performance of ASP Flooding to Heavy Oil in Five Spot Systems, ,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
58 | S Morshedi, S Foroughi, M Torkaman, M H Ghazanfari,M Masihi, Core Scale Numerical Modeling of Surfactant Flooding for Enhanced Oil Recovery from Oil Reservoirs, Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
59 | M H Sedaghat, M H Ghazanfari, MMasihi and D Rashtchian,Experimental Investigation of Polymer Flooding in Fractured Heavy Oil Reservoirs Using Micromodel Systems, ,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
60 | A Maghzi, S Mohammadi, M H Ghazanfari, M Masihi, R Kharrat,An Experimental Approach For Evaluation of Wettability Alteration by Nanoparticles During Water Flooding to Heavy Oils, ,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
61 | M. Parvazdavani, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari,Experimental and Modeling Study of two phase gas/oil relative permeability at near miscible condition, ,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
62 | A. Alizadeh, O. Shahrokhi, M.H. Ghazanfari, M.Masihi, V.Taghikhani, A. Badakhshan,A Laboratory Study of Oil Recovery by Nitrogen WAG injection in Berea Sandstone Rock, ,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
63 | S Sadeghnejad, M Masihi,Evaluation of breakthrough and post breakthrough behavior using percolation theory at early stage of reservoir life,Presentation at the 7th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 21-24 Nov., 2011. |
64 | M. Parvazdavani, M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Sherafati, L. Mashayekhi, Investigation of the Effect of Water Based Nano-Particles Addition on Hysteresis of Oil and-Water Relative Permeability Curves, SPE-157005 paper presented at the SPE International Oilfield Nanotechnology Conference and Exhibition held in Noordwijk, The Netherlands, 12–14 June 2012. |
65 | M. Parvazdavani, M. Masihi and M.H. Ghazanfari, Experimental Investigation of Near Miscibility Effect on Relative Permeability Curves, SP40 paper presented at the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012. |
66 | S. Mohammadi, A. Maghzi, M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi& R. Kharrat, On the Effect of Silica Nanoparticles on Wettability Alteration during Water Flooding to Heavy Oils - A Micromodel Study, P308 paper presented at the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012. |
67 | O Shahrokhi, MH Ghazanfari, M Masihi, Experimental Investigation of CO2 WAG Injection to Light Crude Oil in Near Miscible Conditions paper presented at the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012. |
68 | MH Sedaghat, MH Ghazanfari, M Masihi, D Rashtchian, Experimental Investigation of ASP Flooding in Fractured Heavy Oil Five-spot Systems, paper presented at the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012. |
69 | L Fatahi Mehraban, M Masihi, M Fatahi Mehraban, A Study on Possible Injection of Greenhouse Gases CO2 in Order to Enhanced Oil Recovery and Economic Assessment, paper presented at the 74th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC 2012 Copenhagen, Denmark, 4-7 June 2012. |
70 | M Ganjeh Ghazvini, M Ghaedi, A Siahati, M Masihi, Prediction of Breakthrough and Post Breakthrough Behavior by Percolation and Random Walk Modeling, paper presented at the 3th Iranian Petroleum Engineering Conference, Tehran, Iran, 2012. |
71 | S. Hosseini, H. Zangeneh and M. Masihi, New correlation for determination of c7+ of crude oils, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
72 | F. Moeini, H. Hemmati, M. Ghorbanzadeh, M. Ghazanfari, M.Masihi. S, Ayatollahi, The Optimum Brine Salinity for Low Salinity Water Flooding in Sarvak oil Reservoir Based on Interfacial Tension Measurement, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
73 | H.Zolfaghari, A. Zebarjadi, O. Shahrokhi, MH Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, Experimental study of co2-low salinity WAG injection in heavy oil reservoirs, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
74 | Saman Jahanbakshi, MH Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, Non equilibrium model of three phase flow in porous media, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
75 | M H Shojaadini Ardekani, MH Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, A simple dimensionless time for scaling water imbibitions in matrix fracture systems, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
76 | Amin Mahranfar, MH Ghazanfari, M. Masihi,D Rashtchian Experimental study of polymer injection for EOR purposes in Reservoir containing shales using micromodels, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
77 | A Nejatinejad, MH Ghazanfari, M Vossoghi, M. Masihi, Experimental and modeling study of water containg nano silica injection for EOR purposes, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
78 | MH Sadaghat, MH Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, D Rashtchian, Pore level observation of surfactant flooding in fractured heavy oil systems, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
79 | Nader Sabeti, M Masihi, Bahram Movahed, Ghasem Zargar, Estimation of cementation factor from electrical imaging tools in fractured reservoirs, Presented at 31th Geosciences meeting, Geological survey of Iran, Nov 2012. |
80 | Bordbar, M Masihi, S Jamshidi, study and analysis of low perm gas reservoir using DCA analysis, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
81 | Afazeli, Gerami, M Masihi,Sensitivity analysis for effecting parameters on stable regions of hydrate stability, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
82 | Keshavarz, M Masihi,Zargar, Effect of capillary number on performance of gas condensate reservoirs, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
83 | Fathizahed, M Masihi, Biniaz, Modeling of heterogeneous reservoirs using truncated Gaussian method, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
84 | Rashno, M Masihi, simulation of sour gas storage in Iranian gas reservoirs, Presentation at the 14th Chemical Engineering Congress, Tehran, Iran, 16-18 Oct., 2012. |
85 | I Jafari, S Jamshidi, M Masihi, Simulation and investigation of the ways of preventing harmful effect of water conning, Presented atFirst National Conference on Civil Engineering, Zibakenar, Iran, February 2012. |
86 | I Jafari, S Jamshidi, M Masihi, The effects of water conning on environment and remedies, 2 th Geological congress of Iranian Plateau, Kerman, 2012. |
87 | I Jafari, S Jamshidi, M Masihi, Investigating conning problems in gas reservoirs and remedies, 3th ISGE congress, Ahwaz, Iran, 2012. |
88 | Iman Jafari, Saeed Jamshidi, Mohsen Masihi, Investigating the Mechanism of Water Inflow in Gas Wells in Fractured Gas Reservoirs and Designing a Controlling Method, Presented at the SPE International Production and Operations Conference & Exhibition, 14-16 May, Doha, Qatar, SPE-156039-MS, 2012. |
89 | Ata Movahed, M Masihi, A Hashemi, Petrophysical evaluation of Sarvak formation in an oil field, Presented at 31th Geosciences meeting, Geological survey of Iran, Nov 2012. |
90 | Ata Movahed, M Masihi, A Hashemi, Evaluation of petrophysical parameters of Upper Sarvak formation in an oil field, Presented at2th geological conference, Shahid Beheshti University, Tehran, 2013. |
91 | SA Farzaneh, AA Dehghan, A Jadaly, M Masihi, S Ayatollahi, Investigating the Emulsion Behavior of Heavy Crude Oil in Presence of a New Designed Surfactant and a Group of Alkalis,Presented at 75th EAGE Conference & Exhibition incorporating SPE EUROPEC, London, 10 June 2013. |
92 | Ashorian, Mosapour, Malmir, M Masihi, S. Ayatollahi, Use of new polymer in EOR of heavy oil reservoirs, 1th oil and gas conference, Kerman, Iran, Oct 2013. |
93 | MA HeidariAli Habibi, Shahab Ayatollahi, Mohsen Masihi Sefatallah Ashoorian, Effect of Time and Temperature on Crude Oil Aging to do a Right Surfactant Flooding with a New Approach ,Presented at Offshore Technology Conference-Asia, 25-28 March, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 2014. |
94 | Mirzaei-Paiaman, M. Masihi, Spontaneous Imbibition Character in Porous Media, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
95 | M.J. Shojaei , M.H. Ghazanfari, M. Masihi, Concentration Dependent Relative Permeability and Capillary Pressure Curves for Low Salinity Water Flooding in Sandstone Rocks, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
96 | Dehghan, A.Jadaly, M.Masihi, Sh. Ayatollahi, Emulsion Behavior of an Acidic Heavy Crude Oil and Chemical Solutions, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
97 | Ghaedi, M. Masihi, Z. E. Heinemann, M. H. Ghazanfari, Evaluation and Uncertainty Quantification of Matrix-Fracture Interaction by History Matching, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
98 | Tavakkoli, A. S. Kurup, V. Taghikhani, M. R. Pishvaie, M. Masihi and W. G. Chapman, Effect of CO2 Injection on Asphaltene Deposition Profile in Wellbore, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
99 | Tavakkoli, V. Taghikhani, M. R. Pishvaie and M. Masihi, Rheology of Asphaltene-Containing Petroleum Fluids, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
100 | Ghilav, M. Masihi, S. Jamshidi, A New Correlation for Plus Fraction Characterization, Presentation at the 8th International Chemical Engineering Congress and Exhibition, Kish Island, Iran, 24-27 February, 2014. |
101 | A. Hemmati-Sarapardeh, M.H. Ghazanfari, S. Ayatollahi, and M Masihi, Toward a Reliable model for the prediction of co2 crude oil MMP using an intelligent approach, 2th oil and gas conference, Kerman, Iran,Oct 2014. |
102 | A. Hemmati-Sarapardeh, S. Ayatollahi, M.H. Ghazanfari, and M Masihi, Minimum miscibility and first contact miscibility pressures measurement of co2 and crude oil at different temperature using VIT technique, 2th oil and gas conference, Kerman, Iran,Oct 2014. |
103 | B. Harimi and M. Masihi, Correction of Material Balance Equations in Fractured Reservoirs by using Matrix-Fracture transfer terms, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6153. |
104 | Vahid Azari, Mohammad Fathinasab and M. Masihi, Investigating the effect of different parameters on fractured reservoir recovery, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6171. |
105 | Elham Mortezavi, M. Masihi and MH Ghazanfari, Experimental investigation of the effect of silica nano particles on Relative permeability curves in polymer flooding, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6110. |
106 | Behrouz Harimi, A. Mizaei, M. Masihi and Esmaeil Hamidpour, Experimental investigation of dynamic imbibition process in water wet cores, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6173. |
107 | Mahmood Bageri, and M. Masihi, Investigation of effects of heterogeneities on infill drilling wells, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6169. |
108 | Ali Akbar Dehghan, M. Masihi and S. Ayatolahi, Investigation on the functional form of the oil production in EOR techniques by using fluid and rock parameters, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6142. |
109 | Esmeil Hamidpour, A. Mirzaei and M. Masihi, Experimental investigation of oil production by capillary concurrent imbibition in low IFT values, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD6147. |
110 | Mehran Tahmasebi and M. Masihi, Ranking of different realization of reservoir model based on Entropy, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD3107. |
111 | Rezvan Rahimi and M. Masihi, Characterization and estimation of reservoir properties of Fahlian reservoir by using FGN model, The 1st National Conference on Oil and Gas Field Development Conference, Tehran, Iran, 28-29 January, 2015, OGFD3166. |
112 | Sadeghnejad S, M Masihi, PR King, Study the Connectivity of Good Sands between two Wells Represented by Two Points Using Percolation Theory, Paper presented at the 78th EAGE Conference and Exhibition, Vienna, 2 June 2016. |
113 | Sadeghnejad S., M. Masihi, P.R. King and P.A. Gago, Study the Effect of Connectivity between Two Wells on Secondary Recovery Efficiency Using Percolation Approach, paper presented at the ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 29 Aug-1 Sept, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016. |
114 | MasihiM., P. Gago and P. King , Percolation-based Effective Permeability Estimation in Real Heterogeneous Porous Media, paper presented at the ECMOR XV - 15th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 29 Aug-1 Sept, Amsterdam, Netherlands 2016. |
115 | Rekhfrouz MR, Sharifpour Kiana, Masihi M.,Pore scale numerical analysis of spontaneous Imbibition in a fractured porous medium, 3rd International conference on new research achivements in chemistry and chemical engineering, sept 23, 2016. |
116 | Sadeghi Nasrin, Nasiri M., M Masihi, M Ganjeh, Effect of heterogeneity on simulation of EOR process with dynamic gridding for percolation realization, 3rd on International conference on oil, gas, petrochemical OGPD3, 2016. |
117 | Rekhfrouz MR, Sharohkinia, Ghasemi, Harimi, Masihi, CFD simulation of imbibitions in fractured reservoir, 7th CFD conference, June 8, Kerman, Iran. |
118 | M Hassanzadeh, S Gerami and M Masihi, Study the effects of water channeling on an Iranian fractured gas well, 3rd Conference on New Recent Acheivements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Iran, Sept 2016. |
119 | M Hassanzadeh, S Gerami and M Masihi, Study the effects of water conning on an Iranian gas well, 3rd Conference on New Recent Acheivements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Iran, Sept 2016. |
120 | V Tashakori and M Masihi, Use of Decline Curve Analysis in forcasting of oil/gas wells, 3rd Conference on New Recent Acheivements in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Iran, Sept 2016. |
121 | F Barzegar, M Masihi and AH Omran, Extraction of 3D pore-throat network using 2D CT scan images (in Persian), 1st national Conference on Recent Advances in engineering and Modern Sciences, Tehran, Iran, 11 March 2018. |
122 | Sara Shokrollahzadeh Behbahani, Mohsen Masihi, Mohammad Hossein Ghazanfari, prediction of breakthrough time in oil reservoirs using percolation theory, 16th Chemical Engineering conference, Tehran , Iran, 20 Dec 2018. |
123 | Harimi B. , M. Masihi, Experimental study of effects of viscosity and injection rate on gas-oil Imbibition in presence of a fracture, 2th national congress on fractured reservoirs, 04/2018. |
124 | Misam Nazari, M Masihi, Dual porosity/dual permeability approaches in Fractured Reservoir modeling, 2th national congress on fractured reservoirs, Ahwaz, Iran, 2018. |
125 | Harim B. , M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari and A. Shoushtari, Characterization Of Liquid Bridge Formed During Gas-Oil Gravity Drainage In Fractured Porous Media, Presented at the ECMOR XVI - 16th European Conference on the Mathematics of Oil Recovery, 2018. |
126 | Harimi B. , M. Masihi, M.H. Ghazanfari, Characteristics of Liquid Bridges in Horizontal Fracture, The 10th International Chemical Engineering Congress & Exhibition (IChEC 2018) Isfahan, Iran, 6-10 May, 2018. |
127 | AhmadReaz Shojaei, M Masihi, Study of LowSal injection scenario and infill drilling in an oil reservoir, Presented at the national conference on science based researches in Oil, Refinery, petrochemical, Ahwaz, Iran, 13, 6, 2020. |
128 | Mohen Ravanshad, M Masihi, M GanjehGazvini, Study oil production decline after breakthrough in Percolation structures using random walk method, Presented at the 3th international conference in technology development in Oil, Refinery, petrochemical, Tehran, Iran 19 Nov 2020. |
129 | R Shams, M Masihi, RB Boozarjomehry, MJ Blunt "Reducing Uncertainties in Thin Section Characterization using Deep Learning, The International Rock Imaging Summit, 9-11 November 2021. |
130 | R Shams, M Masihi, RB Boozarjomehry, MJ Blunt "Reconstruction of multi scale carbonate rock using multi point geostatistics and deep learning, ICHEC, 9-11 Nov 2021, Ferdowsi University. |
131 | M. Kameri, S. Jamshidi, M.Masihi, Underground Reservoirs and main Mechanisms in Co2 sequestration. , presented at the 4th National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics Innovation in Petroleum Geomechanics, KhajeNasir Toosi University, Tehran, 2-4 Jan 2023 |
132 | M. Kameri, S. Jamshidi, M.Masihi, Study of the geomechanical effects of pressurizing in Co2 injection and sequestration, presented at the 4th National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics Innovation in Petroleum Geomechanics, KhajeNasir Toosi University, Tehran, 2-4 Jan 2023 |
133 | M. Rezaei, M.Masihi and H Mahani, Theoritical and conceptual study of the role of water geochemistry in estimating the fracture pressure using conventional models in hydraulic fracturing process, presented at the 4th National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics Innovation in Petroleum Geomechanics, KhajeNasir Toosi University, Tehran, 2-4 Jan 2023 |
134 | E. Hamidpour, M. Kanani, M Masihi, Study the relation between co-cuurent and counter current relative permeabilities and its effect in fracture reservoir simulation, presented at the 4th National Conference on Petroleum Geomechanics Innovation in Petroleum Geomechanics, KhajeNasir Toosi University, Tehran, 2-4 Jan 2023 |