Mehrdad Boroushaki received his B.Sc. in Electronics Engineering from Guilan University, Iran in 1989. He also received his MS.c. and Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering from Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, in 1994 and 2002, respectively. He is currently an associate professor of Energy Engineering at the Sharif University of Technology. His research interests include the engineering applications of machine learning, quantum computing in engineering calculations, quantum machine learning, and renewable energy systems. He is also a Senior Member of the IEEE since 2014.


Contact Address:

Department of Energy Engineering

Sharif University of Technology

P.O.Box: 14565-114

Tehran, Iran


E-mail:   boroushaki AT

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Research Interests:

Designed and Taught Courses:

Recent Papers in Journals:

  1. O. Salah, M. Boroushaki, "Optimal Design of Archimedes Wind Turbine using Genetic Algorithm", Energy, Vol. 314, 2025.

  2. A. Zare, M. Boroushaki, " A Knowledge-Assisted Deep Reinforcement Learning Approach for Energy Management in Hybrid Electric Vehicles", Energy, Vol. 313, 2024.

  3. M. M. Pazuki, M. Hosseinpour, M. Salimi, M. Boroushaki, M. Amidpour, "An Intelligent Solvent Selection Approach in Carbon Capturing Process: A Comparative Study of Machine Learning Multi-Class Classification Models", Results in Engineering, Vol. 23, 102821, 2024.

  4. M. E. Doraki, A. Avami, M. Boroushaki, Z. Amini, "Agent-Based Modeling for Sustainable Urban Passenger Vehicle Mobility: A Case of Tehran",  Transportation Research Part D,  Vol. 135, 104380, 2024.

  5. Y. Tavakol Moghaddam, M. Boroushaki, "Reinforcement Learning for Battery Energy Management: A new Balancing Approach for Li-ion Battery Packs", Results in Engineering, Vol. 23, 102532, 2024.

  6. A. Ekramipooya, M. Boroushaki, D. Rashtchian, "Predicting Possible Recommendations Related to to Cause and Consequence in HAOP Study Worksheet Using Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning; BERT, Clustering and Classification", Journal of Loss Prevention in the Process Industries, Vol. 89, July 2024.

  7. H. Kharrazi, V. Toufigh, M. Boroushaki, "General and Optimal 2D Convolutional Neural Networks to Predict the Residual Compressive Strength of Concretes Exposed to High Temperatures", Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, No. 131, 2024.

  8. A. Ekramipooya, M. Boroushaki, D. Rashtchian, "Application of Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning in Classification of Deviations in the HAZOP Study Worksheet: A Comparison of Classifiers", Process Safety and Environmental Protection, Vol. 176, pp. 65-73, August 2023.

  9. A. Reshad, M. Boroushaki, "Fabrication and Assessment of a Parabolic Concentrator Using a Water Heater Cylindrical Recover", Energy Equipment and Systems, March 2023.

  10. B. Ebrahimpour, P. Hajialigol, M. Boroushaki, "Modeling and Techno-Economic Study of a Solar Reverse Osmosis Desalination Plant", International Journal of Environmental Science, March 2022.

  11. I. Ranjbar, V. Toufigh, M. Boroushaki, "A Combination of Deep Learning and Genetic Algorithm for Predicting the Compressive Strength of High Performance Concrete", Structural Concrete, January 2022.  

  12. S. Basiri, A. Taheri, A. Meghdari, M. Boroushaki, M. Alemi, "Dynamic Iranian Sign Language Recognition Using an Optimized Deep Neural Network: An Implementation via a Robotic-Based Architecture", International Journal of Social Robotics, August 2021.   

  13. A. Ekramipooya, D. Rashtchian, M. Boroushaki, "Kernelled naive Bayes using a balanced dataset for accurate classification of the material toxicity", Advanced Journal of Chemistry- Section A Theoretical Engineering and Applied Chemistry, Vol. 4, No. 2, pp. 138-151, 2021.

  14. A. Abarghooei, H. Salarieh, M. Boroushki," Development and Control of an Intelligent Assistive Exo-Glove via Fuzzy Controller and Emotional Learning system",  Proceeding of the Institution of the Mechanical Engineers, Part C, Journal of Mechanical Engineering Science, pp. 1-16, Sep, 2020.

  15. H. Mehnatkesh, A. Alasty, M. Boroushaki, M. H. Khordandi, M. R. Hasheminasab, M. J. Kermani, "Estimation of Water Coverage Ratio in Low Temperature PEM-Fuel Cell using Deep Neural Networks", IEEE Sensors Journal, Vol. 20, Issue 18, pp. 10679-10686, Sep. 2020.

  16. A. Bahari, M. Boroushaki," Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller for MIMIO Peripheral Milling Process",  Journal of Applied and Computational Mechanics, Vol. 6, No. 3, 2019.

  17. M. S. Salari, B. Z. Boushehri, M. Boroushaki, "Aerodynamic Analysis of Backward Swept in HAWT Rotor Blades using CFD", International Journal of Renewable Energy Development (IJRED), Vol. 7, No. 3, pp. 241-249, 2018.

  18. R. Moltames, M. Boroushaki, "Sensitivity Analysis and Parameters Calculation of PV Solar Panel Based on Empirical Data and Two-Diode Circuit Model", Energy Equipment and Systems, Vol. 6, No. 3, pp. 235-246, Sep. 2018.

  19. A. Erfani, A. R. Ghahnaviyeh, M. Boroushaki, "Design and Construction of a Non-linear Model Predictive Controller for Building's Cooling System", Building and Environment, Vol. 133, pp. 237-245, 2018.

  20. S. M. E. Saryazdi, Mehrdad Boroushaki, "2D Numerical Simulation and Sensitive Analysis of H-Darrieus Wind Turbine", International Journal of Renewable Energy Development (IJRED), Vol.7, No.1, pp. 23-34, 2018.

  21. H. Shamsi, M. Boroushaki, "Performance Evaluation and Optimization of Encapsulated Cascade PCM Thermal Storage", Journal of Energy Storage, Vol. 11, pp. 64-75, 2017.

  22. E. Alipourtarzanagh, M. Boroushaki, "Dynamic Modeling of Wind Speed and Temperature Using Auto Regressive with eXogenous (NARX)", International Academic Journal of Science and Engineering, Vol. 3, No. 6, pp. 56-73, 2016.

  23. P. Piroozmand, M. Boroushaki, "A Computational Method for Optimal Design of the Multi-Tower Heliostat Field Considering Heliostats Interactions", Energy, Vol. 106, pp. 240-252, 2016.

  24. S. D. Nazemi, M. Boroushaki, "Design, Analysis and Optimization of a Solar Dish/Stirling System", International Journal of Renewable Energy Development (IJRED), Vol. 5, No. 1, pp. 33-42, 2016.

  25. M. H. Balaghi, R.Vatankhah, M. Broushaki, "Adaptive Optimal Multi-Critic Based Neuro-Fuzzy Control of MIMO Human Musculoskeletal Arm Model", Neurocomputing, 2015.

  26. M. Sedghi, K. Hanani, M. Boroushaki, "Estimation of Weibull Parameters for Wind Energy Applications in Iran", Wind and Structure, Vol. 21, No. 2, pp.203-221, 2015 

  27. M. S. Ghiasi, N. Arjmand, M. Boroushaki, F. Farahmand, "Investigation of Trunk Muscle Activities during Lifting using A Multi-Objective Optimization-Based Model and Intelligent Optimization Algorithms", Medical & Biological Engineering & Computing, June, 2015.

  28. M. Sedghi, M. Boroushaki, K. Hanani, "Modeling changes in wind speed with height in Iran's cities and its impact on the energy production", Journal of Renewable and Sustainable Energy, 7, 023132, 2015. 

  29. S. M. Khadem, S. Behzadipour, M. Boroushaki, "Design and Implementation of an Emotional Learning Controller for Force Control of a Robotic Laparoscopic Instrument", Frontiers in Biomedical Technologies, Vol. 1, No. 3, pp. 168-181, Aug. 2014. 

  30. B. Nasseroleslami, G. R. Vossoughi, M. Boroushaki, M. Parnianpour, "Simulation of Movement In 3-Dimentional Musculoskeletal Human Lumbar Spine Using Directional Encoding-Based Neuro-Controller Spine Using Directional Encoding-Based Neuro-Controllers", Journal of Biomechanical Engineering (ASME), Vol. 136, Sep., 2014.

  31. M. Delkhosh, M. S. Foumani, M. Boroushaki," Geometrical Optimization of Parallel Infinitely Variable Transmission to Decrease Vehicle Fuel Consumption", Mechanics Based Design of Structures and Machines, Vol. 42, pp. 483-501, 2014.

  32. S. Etemadi, R. Vatankhah, A. Alasty, M. Boroushaki, "Leader Connectivity Management and Flocking Velocity Optimization Through Particle Swarm Optimization Method", Scientia Iranica, Vol.19, No. 5, pp.1251-1257, 2012.

  33. A. Taghavipour, M.S. Foumani, M. Boroushaki, "Implementation of an optimal control strategy for a hydraulic hybrid vehicle using CMAC and RBF networks", Scientia Iranica, Vol. 19, No. 2, pp. 327- 334, 2012.

  34. R. Vatankhah, S. Etemadi, A. Alasty, G. Vossough, M. Boroushaki, "Active Leading Through Obstacles using Ant Colony Optimization", Neurocomputing, Vol. 88, No. 1 pp. 66-67, 2012.

  35. M. J. Shirazi, R. Vatankhah, M. Boroushaki, H. Salarieh, A. Alasty, "Application of Particle Swarm Optimization in Chaos Synchronization in Noisy Environment in Presence of Unknown Parameter Uncertainty", Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, Vol. 17, Issue 2, pp. 742-753, Feb. 2012.

  36. R.  Farhangi, M. Boroushaki, S. H. Hosseini, "Load-Frequency Control of Interconnected Power System using Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller", International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Vol. 36, No. 1, pp. 76-83, 2012.

  37. R. Salehi, G. Vossoughi, A. Alasti, M. Boroushaki, "Nonlinear Oxygen Sensor Output Voltage Estimation in a Gasoline Engine Using NARX Model", International Journal of Engine Researches, Vol. 22, pp. 13-20, Spring 2011. 

  38. M. Delkhosh , M. Saadat , M.Boroushaki, M. Ekhtiari, M. Dehghani, "Geometrical Optimization of Half Toroidal CVT using Particle Swarm Optimization", Scientia Iranica, Transaction on Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 18, No. 5, pp. 1126-1132, 2011.

  39. A. Taherifar, A. Alasty, H. Salarieh, M. Boroushaki, "Path Planning for a Planar Hyper Redundant  Manipulator with Lockable Joints using Particle Swarm Optimization", The Modares Journal of Mechanical Engineering, Vol. 11, No.2, pp. 155-171, 2011. (in Farsi)

  40. A. Avami, M. Boroushaki, "Energy Consumption Forecasting in Iran using Recurrent Neural Networks", Energy Sources, Part B, Economics, Planning and policy,  Vol. 6, Issue  4, pp. 339-347, October 2011. 

Recent Papers in Conferences:

  1. H. Nazami, A. Taheri, A. Meghdari, M. Boroushaki, "Emotion Recognition using EEG Signals: Accuracy Comparison Between Methods and Frequency Bands",  Proceeding of the 9th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM), Nov. 17-19, 2021, Tehran, Iran.

  2. A. Koushki, M. Karami, M. Abbasi, G. Vossoughi, M. Boroushaki, "Deep Reinforcement Control of Elbow Motion under Functional Electrical Simulation", Proceeding of the 9th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM), best paper awarded finalist, Nov. 17-19, 2021, Tehran, Iran.

  3. K.Barati, S.Behzadpour, M. Boroushaki," Classification of Faller and Non- Faller Parkinson 'Diseases Patients using Wavelet-based Multiracial Spectrum", Proceeding of the 28th National and 6th International Iranian Conference on Biomedical Engineering (ICBME), Nov. 25-26, 2021, Tehran, Iran.  

  4.  M. H. Mashaghi, A. Taheri, S. Behzadipour, M. Boroushaki, "Proposing an Empirical Motion-Time Pattern of Human Gaze Behaviors in a Social Situation", 8th RSI International Conference on Robotics and Mechatronics (ICROM), K. N. Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, 2020.

  5. M. Hajhosseinali, S. Behzadpour, M. Boroushaki, "Primary Motor Cortex Involvement  in Wrist Movement: A neural Network Model", 22nd Iranian Conference of Biomedical Engineering ICBME 2015, November 2015, Tehran, Iran

  6.  D. Nazami, M. Boroushaki, "Optimal Design and Analysis of a Solar Dish-Stirling System", 22th-Annual International conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2015), May 12-14, 2015, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran, Iran.  

  7. K. N. Jamali, A. Avami, M. Boroushaki, "Multi objective optimization of a hybrid solar-biomass power plant using PSO", 22th-Annual International conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2015),May 12-14, 2015, Amirkabir University of Technology, Tehran (awarded as the best paper).

  8. K. Kiamehr, M. Boroushaki, S. K. Hanani, "Aerodynamic design of a 2 MW wind turbine rotor for the city of Zabol", 21th-Annual International Cnference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2014), May 22-24, 2014, Shahid Chamran University, Ahwaz, Iran. 

  9. F. Khazaeli, M. Boroushaki, H. Oraee, "The Optimal Control of Doubly fed Induction Generator in the Presence of Permanent Voltage Unbalance at the Point of Common Coupling", 2nd Iran Wind Energy Conference, April 30, 2014, Tehran, Iran.

  10. K. Khojasteh, M. Boroushaki, Y. Saboohi," Modeling of a Darrieus Vertical Axis Wind Turbine using Momentum Theory", 21th-Annual International conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2014), May 22-24, 2014, Shahid Chamran University , Ahwaz, Iran. 

  11. A. Taherifar, A. Alasty, H. Salarieh, M. Boroushaki, "Path Planning for a Hyper Redundant Manipulator with Lockable Joints Using PSO", Proceeding of the International conference on Robotic and Mechatronics (RSI/ISM-2013), February 13-15, 2013, Tehran, Iran.

  12. M. S. Ghiasi, M. Boroushaki, F. Farahmand, "Implementation of Multi-objective Intelligent Techniques in Modeling of Lumbar Spinal Muscles", 21th-Annual International conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2013), 2013, K. N. Toosi University, May 7-9, 2013, Tehran, Iran.

  13. A. Maroufmashat,F. Seyyedyn, R. Roshandel, M. Boroushaki, "Hydrogen Generation Optimization in a Hybrid Photovoltaic - Electrolizer System with intelligent systems method", Proceedings of the ASME 2012 6th International Conference on Energy Sustainability & 10th Fuel Cell Science, July 23-26, 2012, San Diego, CA, USA.

  14. M. R. Dehghani, A.R. Alamdar, F. Farahmand, M. Hoviattalab, M. Boroushaki, "An Emotional Learning Based Intelligent Controller for a MIMO Model of Human Stance in Frontal Plane", The first international workshop of climbing and walking robots and assistive technology CLAWAR, Dec.11 to 2, 2011.

  15. D. Singh, R. Yousefi, M. Broushaki, "Identification of Optimum Parameter of Deep Drawing of a Cylindrical Workpiece using Neural Networks and genetic Algorithm", Proceeding of World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology, Vol. 78, pp.211-217, June 2011 .

  16.  H. M. Kashkouli, S. Etemadi, A. Alasty, M. Broushaki, "Flocking Swarm with Non-Holonomic Agents Using Adaptive Critic-based using neuro-fuzzy controller", Proceeding of 3rd International Conference on Computer Modeling and Simulation (ICCMS 2011), January 7-9 , 2011, Mumbai, India.

  17. M.J. Shirazi, R. Vatankhah, M. Boroushaki, H. Salarieh, A. Alasty, "Adaptive Robust Synchronization of Chaotic Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization Based Controller", Proceeding of 7th international Conference on Electrical Engineering Computer Science and Automation control (CCE 2010), Mexico, Sep. 8-10, 2010.

  18. M. Sadeghipour,  H. Salarieh, M. Boroushaki, A. Alasty, "Minimum Entropy Control of Chaos via Application of Particle Swarm Optimization Method", Proceeding of 3rd international conference on chaos and complex systems CCS2010, Turkey, Istanbul Kultur University, May 21-24, 2010.

  19. M. Khodabaksh, M. Boroushaki, G. Vossough , "Eliminating Undesired Mass/Inertia Effects for Improved Transparency in a Haptic Mechanism using Artificial Neural Networks", Proceeding of IEEE International Conference on Control, Automation and Systems (ICCAS 2010), South Korea, KINTEX, Gyeonggi-do, Oct. 27-30, 2010

  20. M. Sharafi, M. Boroushaki, "Optimization of gas micro turbine cycle using genetic algorithms", 18th-Annual International conference of Iranian Society of Mechanical Engineering (ISME2010), May 11-13, 2010, Sharif University of Technology, Tehran, Iran