
  • Texts and references

    Lecture materials are selected from various sources including:

    1- R. E. Collin, Field Theory of Guided Waves, 2nd ed., 1991 IEEE Press

    2- L. B. Felsen and N. Marcuvitz, Radiation and Scattering of Waves, 1994 IEEE Press

    3- W. C. Chew, Waves and Fields in Inhomogeneous Media, 1995 IEEE Press

    4- A. Ishimaru, Electromagnetic Wave Propagation, Radiation, and Scattering, 1991 Prentice-Hall Inc

    5- R. E. Collin and F. J. Zucker (eds.), Antenna Theory, part 2, 1969 McGraw-Hill Inc.

    6- F. Capolino (Ed.), Theory and Phenomena of Metamaterials, 2009 CRC Press

    7- C.-T. Tai, Dyadic Green's Functions in Electromagnetics, 2nd Ed., 1994 IEEE Press

     and a number of papers published in scientific journals will also be used during the course.

  • Evaluation


    Mid-term exam

    Final exam


  •  TENTATIVE course outline:

Green's Functions in Planar Layered Media

»   Dyadic analysis and dyadic Green's functions

»  Plane-wave and cylindrical wave expansion of a point source

»  General formulation of the Green's functions in planar multilayer media: Spectral domain Green's functions, transmission line equivalent network, vector and scalar potentials

»  Spectral domain method (immitance approach) for planar circuits and antennas

»  Numerical evaluation of Sommerfeld integrals, Discrete Complex Image Method

Asymptotic Evaluation of Integrals

»  Basic concepts, Watson's lemma, Laplace method

»  Method of steepest descent (saddle point technique), uniform asymptotic approximation

»  Method of stationary phase in 1D and 2D

 Radiation Physics in Planar Multilayer Media

»   Guided complex waves in uniform planar structures, classification of complex waves

»   Spectral representation: discrete and continuous modal spectrum, leaky waves

»   Mathematics of steepest descent plane

»   Sommerfeld half space problem and its extension to layered media

»   Line source excitation of a dielectric slab, leaky wave radiation

Periodic Structures

»  Bloch-Floquet theorem, dispersion diagram and Brillouin zones

»  One dimensional periodic structures: transfer matrix method, Bloch impedance, periodically loaded waveguides

»  Periodic Green's function, convergence acceleration techniques: Poisson sum formula, Kummer's method, Ewald method

»  Analysis and application of periodic strip gratings and corrugated metallic surfaces, hard and soft surfaces

»  Introduction to two dimensional planar periodic structures (EBG, FSS, AMC)

»  Analysis of 2D planar periodic structures: spectral domain technique, integral equation method, equivalent circuit analysis

»  Applications of EBG, FSS, and AMC structures in antennas and microwaves

»  (*) Radiation of a finite source in proximity of a periodic structure: Array Scanning Method

»  (*) Analysis of periodic dielectric waveguides and gratings, coupled mode theory